

Capucine Fouquin est architecte et designer diplĂŽmĂ©e de l’école Camondo , de l’ENSA Paris Malaquais et Science Po Paris. Son projet de fin d’étude a abouti Ă  la construction d’un pavillon en brique de terre crue compressĂ©e (BTC) utilisant des modes constructifs permettant de relier monde numĂ©rique et analogique. Elle s’est Ă  la fois engagĂ©e dans la pratique de l’architecture, particuliĂšrement dans le domaine du logement collectif ou individuel, et dans la recherche (laboratoire LIAT – Paris). En 2023, elle rejoint le programme SPEAP crĂ©Ă© par Bruno Latour pour lequel elle accompagne un festival d’art vivant transfrontalier Ă  transformer sa relation au territoire sur lequel il s’ancre et se dĂ©veloppe. Ses recherches portent sur le dĂ©passement du paradigme nature/culture dans le champ de l’architecture, dans cette perspective elle a consacrĂ© son mĂ©moire de master mention recherche aux controverses inclues dans la notion de restauration Ă©cologique. En 2020 elle a fondĂ© l’agence FOMA, laboratoire de recherche architecturale.

Capucine Fouquin is an architect and designer who graduated from the Camondo school, ENSA Paris Malaquais and Science Po Paris. Her end-of-study project resulted in the construction of a pavilion made of compressed earth block (CEB) using construction methods to connect the digital and analog world. She is both involved in the practice of architecture, particularly in the field of collective or individual housing, and in research (LIAT laboratory – Paris). In 2023, she joined the SPEAP program created by Bruno Latour for which she supports a cross-border living art festival in transforming its relationship with the territory in which it is anchored and develops. Her research focuses on overcoming the nature/culture paradigm in the field of architecture. From this perspective, she devoted her master’s thesis to the controversies included in the notion of ecological restoration. In 2020 she founded the FOMA agency, an architectural research laboratory.


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