Housing Trouble

N. Makhlouf 

Designing Collectivity, Designing Politically; Ruby Press, 2024.


4 points sensibles/ Vier Angelpunkte

S. Nichols; D. Dietz 

Culture du bâti dans l’existant : inventaire et contexte / Baukultur im Bestand: Inventar und Kontext; Bern: Stiftung Baukultur Schweiz, 2023. p. 77.

(De)colonial social housing: a French legal-architectural history

N. Makhlouf 

Unearthing Traces: Unearthing Traces: Dismantling Imperialist Entanglements of Archives, Landscapes, and the Built Environment; EPFL Press, 2023.

Conceptualizing Passage-Paysage

L. Jalón Oyarzun; D. Dietz; A. Pulfer; R. A. Valdez Juarez 

Passage-Paysage; EPFL Press, 2023.

El paisaje como imagen afectiva

L. Jalón Oyarzun 

Ensambles. Paisaje contemporáneo y práctica patrimonial; Abada, 2023.

Nothing but a Few Signs, Like Stars in an Immense Black Night: Clandestinity and Night-Faring Practices in the Underground Railroad

L. Jalón Oyarzun 

A Nocturnal History of Architecture; Leipzig: Spector Books, 2023. p. 112.

By using timber and 1:1 prototype pedagogical tool, students learn and play with a mix of DIY, collective improvisation and virtuosity

D. Dietz; C. Fauvel; D. Zamarbide Elizondo; A. Pulfer 

Proto-Habitat; Leipzig: Spector Books, 2023.

Uneven distances. About the limits of transmission, acts of remaining and means of reappearance of the Sahara.

J. Lafontaine Carboni; A. El Montassir 

Unearthing Traces. Dismantling imperialist entanglements of archives, landscapes, and the built environment; EPFL Press, 2023-01-01.

Dialogical Drawing – Scaffolding Imagination and Language of Poetry

D. Dietz 

Drawing in Architecture Education and Research; Park Books, 2023. p. 224.


publication thumbnail

Landscape as Support

D. Dietz; L. Jalón Oyarzun; R. A. Valdez Juarez 

Conceiving the plan: Nuance and Intimacy in Civic Space; Milano: Skira, 2022.


Rater mieux. Enquête sur les structures stimulantes

T. L. E. Abenia 

Les Communautés à l’oeuvre; Paris: Dominique Carré, 2021. p. 320.

L’abandon comme impensé

T. L. E. Abenia 

Les Communautés à l’oeuvre; Paris: Dominique Carré, 2021. p. 320.

Enquête sur la Grande Structure Abandonnée : de l’inventaire à la catégorisation

T. L. E. Abenia 

Inventaires/Inventories – Documentation as Design Project; Montréal: Bureau d’etudes de pratiques indisciplinées, 2021.


Protofiguration, opérations d’installation

J. Lafontaine Carboni 

L’archaïque et ses possibles. Architecture et philosophie; Métis Presses, 2020-11-06. p. 328.


D. Dietz; L. Jalón Oyarzun; J. Lafontaine Carboni; T. S. W. Cheung 

Training Spatial Abilities. A Workbook for Students of Architecture; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2020-07-06. p. 360.


Temps en suspens et mise à l’épreuve des logiques de conception contemporaine

T. L. E. Abenia 

Les Temps de la Conception; Paris: Europia, 2019. p. 212.

HOUSE 1 Protostructure: Enhancement of Spatial Imagination and Craftsmanship Between the Digital and the Analogical

D. Dietz; D. Negueruela Del Castillo; J. Lafontaine Carboni; A. C. E. Mignon 

Digital Wood Design. Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design; Switzerland: Springer, 2019. p. 1535.


(Autonomie / Hétéronomie) : Association binaire ou phénomène jumeau ?

T. L. E. Abenia 

Entre hétéronomie et autonomie : Penser l’architecture entre discipline et profession / Between heteronomy and autonomy : Thinking architecture in between discipline and profession; Montreal: Potential Architecture Books, 2018. p. 108.

House 2. Une expérience spatiale ouverte

D. Dietz; A. Dupuis; J. Lafontaine Carboni; D. Negueruela Del Castillo 

Replay Malley; Lausanne: Infolio, 2018-11-10.

Réapprendre l’espace public

D. Dietz; A. Dupuis; J. Lafontaine Carboni; D. Negueruela Del Castillo 

Replay Malley; Lausanne: Infolio, 2018.

Architecture for Alterity. Cognitive Frames of Tolerance and Collaboration

D. Negueruela Del Castillo 

Xixinan. The Rural Return; Lausanne: Media Design Lab EPFL, 2018-11-29. p. 239.


Ruin, Rust et Green : variations d’un rapport de force entre construction humaine et manifestation naturelle

T. L. E. Abenia 

Du Potentiel des Grandes Structures Urbaines Abandonnées I On the potential of large urban abandoned structures; Montreal: Potential Architecture Books, 2017. p. 116.

Dispositif de catégorisation des grandes structures en suspens

T. L. E. Abenia 

Du Potentiel des Grandes Structures Urbaines Abandonnées I On the potential of large urban abandoned structures; Montreal: Potential Architecture Books, 2017. p. 116.

Ecologie politique des votations fédérales sur l’environnement en Suisse, 1981-2010

S. A. Koseki 

Inégalités urbaines. Du projet utopique au développement durable; Geneva: Métis Presses, 2017. p. 295-320.


The City as a Prototype. A Frame for Pragmatic Social Action

D. Negueruela Del Castillo 

Territories in Crisis. Architecture and Urbanism Facing Changes in Europe; Berlin: Jovis, 2015. p. 222-234.

The Urban Diffusion of Local Direct Democracy between Switzerland and the United States

T. Favre-Bulle 

The Diffusion of Law; Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2015.

Made in Usage: Architecture in Furetière’s Dictionnaire Universel

C. Dionne 

Architecture’s Appeal: How Theory Informs Architectural Praxis; New York: Routledge, 2015. p. 67-78.


The self-conscious observer – embodiment and bodily feelings in architecture

I. Pasqualini; O. Blanke 

Körperbilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft; Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2014.


Environment Makers: A Conversation With Dieter Dietz

D. Dietz 

Pavillions / Art in Architecture; Lormont: Wallis University of Applied Arts and Sciences (ECAV), 2013. p. 89-100.

Fenêtre sur l’espace introspectif / Introspective Space: Enter Here! Caroline Dionne in discussion with Jonas Dahlberg

C. Dionne 

Jonas Dahlberg: Hall of Mirrors; Lausanne: Editions Archizoom, 2013. p. 36-43.



M. Keith; R. Linn 

Contemporary Follies; New York: The Monacelli Press, 2012.

“Entrée Alpine” Panoramic Structure

M. Galindo 

Wood- Architecture & Design; Salenstein: Braun Publishing, 2012. p. 168-169.

Evolver-Entrée Alpine. Panoramic Structure

S. Borges 

Going Public- Public Architecture, Urbanism and Interventions; Berlin: Gestalten, 2012. p. 50-51.


ALICE: Atelier De La Conception De L’espace.

U. Staub; D. Dietz 

Explorations in Architecture: Teaching, Design, Research; Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008. p. 141-157.

ALICE (Atelier de la conception de l’espace)

B. Glasner; S. Ott 

Wonder Wood a Favorite Material for Designers, Architects, and Artists; Basel – Boston – Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2008. p. 296.

Exploring Uncommon Territories: A Synthetic Approach to Teaching Architecture

D. Dietz 

Explorations in Architecture / Teaching Design Research; Basel – Boston – Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2008. p. 216.

“Alice Pavilion.”

A. Markey; P. (. Gueterbock 

International Architecture Student Festival 2008; London: London Metropolitan University, 2008.

Alice in London Architecture Festival

C. Hofmann-Chalard; J-D. Bourquin; C. (. Veillon 

Finding Solutions for a Sustainable Future- Design & Build Together; Lausanne: EPFL, 2008.