News & Press

© Lionel Favre / 2023 EPFL

GreenFjord project the focus of researchers' efforts over the summer

— GreenFjord is a four-year research program intended to investigate how climate change is affecting ecosystems in southern Greenland. The scientists just completed a first intensive field season where they won over the local residents. The next step will be to analyze the millions of datapoints they collected.

Kevin Andrew Holdcroft and Jamie Paik © Jamani Caillet / EPFL

Mori3: a polygon shapeshifting robot for space travel

— Jamie Paik and her team of researchers at EPFL’s School of Engineering have created an origami-like robot that can change shape, move around and interact with objects and people.

© 2020 EPFL

EPFL spin-off's tiny robots turn heads in Las Vegas

— Yesterday evening, tiny robots developed by EPFL spin-off Foldaway Haptics were the center of attention at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The 33 “bionic flaps,” installed on a concept car from German manufacturer Mercedes-Benz, moves bodywork parts in response to the driver’s decisions and interacts with the public.

© 2019 EPFL

Artificial skin could help rehabilitation and enhance virtual reality

— EPFL scientists have developed a soft artificial skin that provides haptic feedback and – thanks to a sophisticated self-sensing mechanism – has the potential to instantaneously adapt to a wearer’s movements. Applications for the new technology range from medical rehabilitation to virtual reality.

© 2019 EPFL

Robot-ants that can jump, communicate and work together

— A team of EPFL researchers has developed tiny 10-gram robots that are inspired by ants: they can communicate with each other, assign roles among themselves and complete complex tasks together. These reconfigurable robots are simple in structure, yet they can jump and crawl to explore uneven surfaces. The researchers have just published their work in Nature.

© 2019 EPFL

Jamie Paik's robots took the stage at "Bigger than us" TED conference


© 2019 EPFL

Prof. Paik gives a talk at Nature conference in Madrid

— Prof. Paik is giving a talk at a Nature conference on artificial intelligence in biomedicine on "Soft robotics for intuitive human robot interaction" in Madrid today.

© 2018 EPFL

RRL makes the news in Chile

— Two of RRL's PhD students travelled to Chile this summer to collaborate with the Adolfo Ibåñez University on a soft robotics research project.

The tactile joystick developed by startup Foldaway Haptics brings the sense of touch to mobile devices © 2018 Alain Herzog

A little fold-up joystick brings haptics to portable devices

— The tactile joystick developed by startup Foldaway Haptics brings the sense of touch to mobile devices, drones and, in a smaller version, to virtual reality controls. This pocket-sized device, which can be unfolded in an instant, is about to hit the market. Next week it will be showcased at the Hannover Messe, the world’s largest trade fair for industrial technology.

© 2018 Hackahealth

RRL at Hackahealth – Geneva, April 14th to 15th 2018

— FrĂ©dĂ©ric Giraud, one of our PhDs, participated in Hackahealth – Geneva this week-end!

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