Policy Working Group

The EPFL postdoc community counts over 1000 heads and we are classified as crucial for EPFL’s world-class research. On an administrative level postdocs belong to the intermediate body which also includes PhD students and staff scientists. 

The main mission of the EPDA policy working group is to be a strong voice for postdocs and make ourselves heard at all levels. 

Thanks to the efforts of active members since its starting days we have become a valuable entity to be consulted for our contribution and opinion by the EPFL direction, School Assembly, Deans, Faculty representations, Administrative Units of EPFL, …

The main task of the Policy working group is to handle the EPDA position for each consultation sent out by the School Assembly channelling the interests of the postdocs. The School Assembly (AE) is in its own words “your voice within the School” and represents the EPFL members. The AE consists of 16 members representing the four bodies (being the teaching, intermediate, student, administrative and technical bodies). Each representative is elected for 2 years. The AE is involved in the decision-making of EPFL at many levels. Among other tasks, it ensures the proper functioning of the faculty councils, handles the consultations for the EPFL management as well as it can submit their own proposals.   

EPDA maintains a close collaboration with the AE representatives to be on the frontlines of policy changes and decision-making.
Furthermore we put forward and push for the interests and needs of the postdocs in every instance offered to us such as in meetings with deans, faculty, vice presidencies, ….

To obtain an updated insight into the current needs of the postdoc community we regularly conduct surveys and we are considering the opinion and input of every postdoc approaching us. 

So please join the EPDA policy working group and become the change for an inclusive and sustainable environment at EPFL. 

Contact person: Pamina Winkler, Policy Officer