EPDA is the Postdoc association of EPFL, an association by the postdocs for the postdocs and open to all postdocs from the EPFL. Created in 2012 as a Postdoc association of Life sciences faculty, it has been extended to the whole school, and gained official recognition in 2020. Our statutes are available here.
EPDA strives to:
- Create an environment of excellence for postdoctoral research training
- Build a thriving community of EPFL’s postdocs
- Promote training of postdocs as the future generation of responsible leaders
In our 2020 Strategic plan we identify the following priorities of the association in 2021:
- Capacity building of the association
- Career development support for postdocs
- Postdoc recognition and representation at the EPFL
- Quality of life support for postdocs
The association functions through the engagement of its members in the Committe and the Management.
How we function
As a EPFL postdoc you are eligible to join the association and contribute to the day to day operations. Joining the association is free. The association works through the guidance of the Management, which consists of the Board and Management members. Management members (Officers) are responsible for coordinating teams and working groups within the association. If you wish to become more involved with the association, contact us.