Salary statement
Information about your salary statement can be found in English here.
In a nutshell, apart from taxes, the other deductions from your salary regard:
– accident insurance
– unemployment insurance
– pension (AVS and PUBLICA (more info here)).
You can find useful information (in English!) on the Swiss social insurance system below, in particular regarding the first pillar (AVS), the second pillar (PUBLICA pension), the third pillar (voluntary basis) and what to do before leaving Switzerland:
Important: You are entitled to taxes discount, since you need to eat outside every day, commute to EPFL every day, and also if you have kids or started a third pillar. You just need to fill in a form to claim for some money back. You will find explanations on how to fill the form here. And the actual form can be found here.
Below is a list of most commonly needed or obligatory insurances.
Required insurances:
- Accident insurance (SUVA) – you will get this cover through EPFL. You will be registered automatically. You don’t need to buy your own accident insurance on top if this.
- Health insurance (assurance maladie, more detailed information here). You are required by law to buy basic health insurance. ACIDE has negociated a collective insurance for EPFL, currently representing the best price on the marker – more details on the ACIDE website. Otherwise, there are a variety of companies to choose from, but all companies cover the same things. The price varies with the excess you choose. Check out for price comparison.
- Home insurance (assurance ménage et responsabilité civile). You need to buy home and contents insurance – this generally covers your belongings in case of theft or accident and also covers the apartment where you live in case any damage is done while you are renting… You can check the offer negotiated by ACIDE on their website. Also have a look at
- Fire insurance (ECA). This is insurance in case of fire and is required for each household. The premium is low and is paid once a year. Make sure to list the full value of your belongings when applying.
Apart from above mentioned you may consider useful:
- Mountain-rescue insurance (REGA). A good idea for everyone that’s up in the mountains quite a bit. It works on a donation-basis, minimum is about 30CHF.