LPHE Scientific Highlights of 2024
2024 has come to an end, and we take this opportunity to look back and highlight the remarkable milestones achieved by the LPHE research teams throughout the year. Physics Results The LPHE researchers have actively contributed to several significant physics results released during the year, including: Lepton flavour universality under test The LHCb experiment at (…)

Welcome to the new Fall semester students!
The Fall semester has started and new master students are starting new exciting projects, supervised by LPHE members! This semester, there will be nine students discovering data acquisition and analysis with small-scale experiments in the 2nd floor labs, supervised by Xiafei, Anni and Dimitris (TP4a). Cosmic muons, supervised by Dimitris: Samuel, The and Lai Analysis (…)

Fred Blanc elected LHCb Physics Coordinator
On February 16th, the LHCb experiment has designated its new Physics Coordinator (PC) for the 2024-2026 period: Prof. Fred Blanc, of the LPHE. In this prestigious position, Fred will have the responsibility of coordinating LHCb physics activities, as well as push forward existing endeavours. He will succeed Yasmine Amhis, another EPFL postdoc alumni, in this (…)

Welcome to the new students in the spring semester!
On 19th February, the spring semester started and seven master students joined our lab to work on their TP4b projects: three projects focus on the development of detectors, and four other projects on data analysis on the LHCb, SND or DAMPE experiments. SiPM measurements(PDE, gain), supervised by Esteban: Pascal Kelly B+ to K+ τ+ τ- (…)

LPHE scientific highlights of 2023
With the year 2023 approaching its end, we summarise the prominent milestones achieved by the LPHE research teams throughout this year. Physics results Several important physics results have been released, with active contribution of the LPHE researchers. These include: Lepton universality holds strong The LHCb collaboration has performed the most precise to date test of (…)

Louis Henry obtained a Spark grant from SNSF
Louis Henry obtained this year’s 1-year funding Spark grant. The aim of Spark is “to fund the rapid testing or development of novel and unconventional scientific approaches, methods, theories, standards and ideas, etc. It is designed for projects that show unconventional thinking and introduce a unique approach. The focus is on promising ideas of high (…)

Guillaume Pietrzyk awarded by a fourth prize for his PhD thesis!
Guillaume Pietrzyk was awarded for his thesis “Precision measurement of neutral charm meson mixing parameters” by the EPFL’s Hausmann award 2023. So far, Guillaume’s thesis has got four prizes: CHIPP prize 2022, LHCb thesis award 2022, EDPY doctoral thesis award 2022 (3rd prize and thesis distinction), and now the Hausmann award 2023. We congratulate to (…)

LHCb collaboration meeting in Marseille
In the last week of September, members of the LHCb collaboration gathered in Marseille to discuss the status of the experiment and future prospects. The LPHE members presented their work on the operation of the scintillating fibre tracker (SciFi), tracking algorithms, luminosity measurement and other aspects of experiment operation. We also had chance to meet (…)

María Vieites Diaz awarded by Ramón y Cajal scholarship
María Vieites Diaz, a former post-doc at LPHE, got awarded by the prestigious Ramón y Cajal scholarship. It is considered to be the most prestigious nationally-funded research scholarshipto follow a scientific career in Spain. María will benefit from five years of funding, after which the host institution(to be chosen by the recipient) is expected or (…)

Welcome to the Fall semester students!
This Fall semester 2023 will be rich in projects! Nine new first year Master students will lead our three travaux pratiques (TP4a) projects, once a week on Mondays. Cosmic muons, supervised by Luismi: Noémie Duc, Julia Guignon, Lia Lammert Detection of cosmic rays using an electronic calorimeter, supervised by Anni: Eliot Bornand, Kimberly Keyser, Pascal (…)