Наші вітання Сергію!


This Friday 22nd September, Serhii Cholak (LPHE-LS) has successfully defended his thesis entitled Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons with LHCb in front of his family, friends and colleagues. During his thesis, Serhii has computed the limit on the mixing parameter |Uµ|2 between the heavy neutral lepton  (HNL) and the Standard Model muon neutrino as a (…)

Latsis Prize for Lesya Shchutska


Prof. Lesya Shchutska (LPHE-LS) was awarded the Swiss Science Prize Latsis 2023 by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) on behalf of the International Latsis Foundation, for her work on searches for new particles beyond the Standard Model. The prize is awarded yearly to a scientist aged under 40 working in Switzerland. Congratulations Lesya! Further (…)

Fétenders Veronica!


This Friday 25th August 2023, Veronica Kirsebom (LPHE-OS) successfully presented her thesis entitled Measurement of the B+→ρ0μ+νμ differential branching fraction in front of her family, friends and colleagues. During her PhD, Veronica measured the differential branching fraction as a function of the dilepton invariant mass squared relative to the decay B+→D0μ+νμ with  D0→π+π–. This measurement (…)

Auguri Dottor Sara!


On this Friday 23rd June 2023, Sara presented her thesis, titled Testing lepton flavour violation in B -> K+ π+ π– l+ l– decays with LHCb in front on numerous public of family, friends and collegues. She will pursue her physics adventures with a post-doc in Universität Heidelberg. We wish her all the best!

Two LPHE technicians rewarded by LHCb prizes!


On the 7th of June 2023, Rodolphe Gonzalez, precision mechanic at the IPHYS mechanical workshop, and Norbert Adjadj, mechanic at the High Energy Physics Laboratory (LPHE), obtained high-level recognition from the LHCb Collaboration at CERN, consisting of more than 1100 scientists from 21 countries, and received the LHCb Technical Award 2023 for their “outstanding contribution (…)

Congratulations Prof. Fred Blanc!


At the May meeting of the ETH board, Fred Blanc has been awarded the title of Adjunct Professor in the School of Basic Sciences (SB). Congratulations Fred! More details here and here.

LPHE exhibition at the EPFL Open Days


Last weekend, April 29-30, 2023, EPFL opened its doors to general public for its EPFL Open Days 2023. This event ended up with frank success, since around 25,000 visitors came to learn more about the captivating universe of science and engineering. At this occasion, our lab presented an educative exhibition for the visitors of all (…)

Herzlichen Glückwunsch Dr. Carina!


On this Friday 28th April 2023, Carina presented her thesis, titled Development of microlens-enhanced SiPMs for a radiation-hard scintillating fibre tracker at LHCb in front on numerous public of family, friends and collegues. She will pursue her physics adventures with a post-doc in Barcelona, where she has been accepted within a SNSF Postdoctoral Fellowship. We (…)

Welcome to the new Spring semester students!


This semester, a lot of new exciting students project will be held by lab members. TP4b (every Monday) Machine learning for Heavy Neutral Leptons search, supervised by Konstantin: Nelson Glardon Search for Lambda_b to J/psi Xi- K+ decay, supervised by Luismi: Florent Préau Search for b pentaquarks, supervised by Arvind: Simon Della Santa Heavy Neutral (…)

New tenure track assistant professor in particle physics


On the 1st of January, Prof. Radoslav Marchevski has started his tenure track professorship at EPFL, working on the NA62 experiment and also the LHCb experiment at CERN. He will be joined in March by two post-doc, Luis Miguel Garcia Martin and Alina Kleimenova, and one PhD student, Xiafei Chang.