In March 2022, Guillaume Pietrzyk (previously a PhD student at the LPHE-OS lab) presented his thesis entitled Precision measurement of neutral charm meson mixing. His work has definitely proven its quality: in addition to the 2022 LHCb Thesis Award, he has been nominated for two more distinctions.
In June, the 2022 CHIPP Prize jury was attributed to him “for his experimental studies within the LHCb collaboration, which led to determine with unprecedented precision the rare phenomenon of particle-antiparticle oscillation in the neutral charm-meson system.” An all-public article was also written on the CHIPP website about his work at LHCb and his thesis contents.
Last but not least, he was rewarded by the 3rd place of the EPFL Physics Doctoral school prize. It is attributed each year to a selection of highly qualitative theses. For each doctoral program, nominated candidates are selected on the basis or their oral examination. The program committee then evaluates the nominees and reward the best 8%.
Learn more on the CHIPP website and on the Physics Doctoral School Prizes website.