

Mitigating Object Dependencies: Improving Point Cloud Self-Supervised Learning through Object Exchange

Y. Wu; T. Zhang; W. Ke; c. Qiu; S. Süsstrunk et al. 

2024-04-11. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, USA, June 17-21, 2024.

VolRecon: Volume Rendering of Signed Ray Distance Functions for Generalizable Multi-View Reconstruction

Y. Ren; F. Wang; T. Zhang; M. Pollefeys; S. Süsstrunk 

2024-01-31. CVPR, Vancouver, Canada, June 19-21, 2023. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.01601.

Efficient Temporally-Aware DeepFake Detection using H.264 Motion Vectors

P. Grönquist; Y. Ren; Q. He; A. Verardo; S. Süsstrunk 

2024. Electronic Imaging Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics, Californie, USA, Janvier, 21-25, 2024.

Exploiting the Signal-Leak Bias in Diffusion Models

M. N. Everaert; A. Fitsios; M. Bocchio; S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk et al. 

2024-01. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2024), Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 4-8, 2024. DOI : 10.48550/arxiv.2309.15842.


VETIM: Expanding the Vocabulary of Text-to-Image Models only with Text

M. N. Everaert; M. Bocchio; S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk; R. Achanta 

2023-11. The 34th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2023), Aberdeen, UK, November 20-24, 2023.

NEMTO: Neural Environment Matting for Novel View and Relighting Synthesis of Transparent Objects

D. Wang; Z. T. Zhang; S. Süsstrunk 

2023-10-02. International Conference on Computer Vision 2023, Paris, France, Oct 2-6, 2023. DOI : 10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.00036.

Diffusion in Style

M. N. Everaert; M. Bocchio; S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk; R. Achanta 

2023-10. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV23), Paris, France, October 2-6, 2023. p. 2251-2261. DOI : 10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.00214.

Dense Multitask Learning to Reconfigure Comics

D. Bhattacharjee; S. Süsstrunk; M. Salzmann 

2023-07-17. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, June 18-22, 2023. DOI : 10.1109/CVPRW59228.2023.00598.

Towards Stable and Efficient Adversarial Training against $l_1$ Bounded Adversarial Attacks

Y. Jiang; C. Liu; Z. Huang; M. Salzmann; S. Süsstrunk 

2023-06-01. 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 23-29, 2023.

Diff3DHPE: A Diffusion Model for 3D Human Pose Estimation

J. Zhou; T. Zhang; Z. Hayder; L. Petersson; M. Harandi 

2023-01-01. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, FRANCE, OCT 02-06, 2023. p. 2084-2094. DOI : 10.1109/ICCVW60793.2023.00223.

DyNCA: Real-time Dynamic Texture Synthesis Using Neural Cellular Automata

E. Pajouheshgar; Y. Xu; T. Zhang; S. Süsstrunk 

2023-01-01. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, CANADA, JUN 17-24, 2023. p. 20742-20751. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.01987.

TempSAL – Uncovering Temporal Information for Deep Saliency Prediction

B. Aydemir; L. Hoffstetter; T. Zhang; M. Salzmann; S. Susstrunk 

2023-01-01. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, CANADA, JUN 17-24, 2023. p. 6461-6470. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.00625.

Spatiotemporal Self-supervised Learning for Point Clouds in the Wild

Y. Wu; T. Zhang; W. Ke; S. Susstrunk; M. Salzmann 

2023-01-01. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, CANADA, JUN 17-24, 2023. p. 5251-5260. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.00508.

Saliency prediction in 360° architectural scenes: Performance and impact of daylight variations

C. Karmann; B. Aydemir; K. Chamilothori; S. Kim; S. Süsstrunk et al. 

Journal of Environmental Psychology. 2023. Vol. 92, p. 102110. DOI : 10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102110.

Vision Transformer Adapters for Generalizable Multitask Learning

D. Bhattacharjee; S. Süsstrunk; M. Salzmann 

2023. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, France, October 2-6, 2023. DOI : 10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.01743.

DyNCA: Real-time Dynamic Texture Synthesis Using Neural Cellular Automata

E. Pajouheshgar; Y. Xu; T. Zhang; S. Süsstrunk 

2023. DOI : 10.48550/arxiv.2211.11417.

TempSAL – Uncovering Temporal Information for Deep Saliency Prediction

B. Aydemir; L. Hoffstetter; T. Zhang; M. Salzmann; S. Süsstrunk 


Training Provably Robust Models by Polyhedral Envelope Regularization

C. Liu; M. Salzmann; S. Susstrunk 

Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks And Learning Systems. 2023. Vol. 34, num. 6, p. 3146-3160. DOI : 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3111892.


Modeling Object Dissimilarity for Deep Saliency Prediction

B. Aydemir; D. Bhattacharjee; T. Zhang; S. Kim; M. Salzmann et al. 

Transactions on Machine Learning Research. 2022-11-24. 

Robust Binary Models by Pruning Randomly-initialized Networks

C. Liu; Z. Zhao; S. Süsstrunk; M. Salzmann 

2022-10-12. Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems – NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, USA, November 28 – December 9, 2022.

Scene Decomposition and Relighting from Image Collections in Neural Rendering

D. Wang 


Aesthetics-Oriented Video Generation and Editing

M. N. Everaert 


CLIPasso: Semantically-Aware Object Sketching

Y. Vinker; E. Pajouheshgar; J. Y. Bo; R. C. Bachmann; A. H. Bermano et al. 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2022-07-01. Vol. 41, num. 4, p. 86. DOI : 10.1145/3528223.3530068.

MulT: An End-to-End Multitask Learning Transformer

D. Bhattacharjee; T. Zhang; S. Süsstrunk; M. Salzmann 

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), New Orleans, USA, June 19- 25, 2022.

Leverage Your Local and Global Representations: A New Self-Supervised Learning Strategy

T. Zhang; C. Qiu; W. Ke; S. Süsstrunk; M. Salzmann 

2022-06-17. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), New Orleans, LA, USA, June 18-24, 2022. p. 16559-16568. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR52688.2022.01608.

Semi-supervised Active Salient Object Detection

Y. Lv; B. Liu; J. Zhang; Y. Dai; A. Li et al. 

Pattern Recognition. 2022-03-01. Vol. 123, p. 108364. DOI : 10.1016/j.patcog.2021.108364.

BIGPrior: Towards Decoupling Learned Prior Hallucination and Data Fidelity in Image Restoration

M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2022-01-08. Vol. 31, p. 1-13. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2022.3143006.

Image Denoising with Control over Deep Network Hallucination

Q. Liang; F. Cassayre; H. Owsianko; M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 

2022-01-04. Electronic Imaging, Online event, January 16-21, 2022.

Learning V1 Simple Cells with Vector Representation of Local Content and Matrix Representation of Local Motion

R. Gao; J. Xie; S. Huang; Y. Ren; S-C. Zhu et al. 

2022-01-01. 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence / 34th Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence / 12th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ELECTR NETWORK, Feb 22-Mar 01, 2022. p. 6674-6684. DOI : 10.1609/aaai.v36i6.20622.

PoGaIN: Poisson-Gaussian Image Noise Modeling From Paired Samples

N. Bähler; M. El Helou; É. Objois; K. Okumuş; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2022.  p. 1-5. DOI : 10.1109/LSP.2022.3227522.

MulT: An End-to-End Multitask Learning Transformer

D. Bhattacharjee; T. Zhang; S. Suesstrunk; M. Salzmann 

2022-01-01. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), New Orleans, LA, Jun 18-24, 2022. p. 12021-12031. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR52688.2022.01172.

RC-MVSNet: Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo with Neural Rendering

D. Chang; A. Božič; T. Zhang; Q. Yan; Y. Chen et al. 

2022. 17th European conference on computer vision (ECCV) 2022, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 23-27, 2022. p. 665-680. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-19821-2_38.

Towards Verifiable, Generalizable and Efficient Robust Deep Neural Networks.

C. Liu / S. Süsstrunk; M. Salzmann (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2022. 


Optimizing Latent Space Directions For GAN-based Local Image Editing

E. Pajouheshgar; T. Zhang; S. Süsstrunk 

2021-11-24. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022), Singapore, Singapore, May 23-27, 2022. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747326.

Origin of large magnetoresistance in the topological nonsymmorphic semimetal TaSe3

G. Gatti; D. Gosalbez-Martinez; Q. S. Wu; J. Hu; S. N. Zhang et al. 

Physical Review B. 2021-10-13. Vol. 104, num. 15, p. 155122. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155122.

Fidelity Estimation Improves Noisy-Image Classification with Pretrained Networks

X. Lin; D. Bhattacharjee; M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2021-08-03. Vol. 28, num. SPL-30904-2021.R1, p. 1719-1723. DOI : 10.1109/LSP.2021.3104769.

Deep Gaussian denoiser epistemic uncertainty and decoupled dual-attention fusion

X. Ma; X. Lin; M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 

2021-05-31. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September 19-22, 2021. p. 1629-1633. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP42928.2021.9506653.

NTIRE 2021 Depth Guided Image Relighting Challenge

M. El Helou; R. Zhou; R. Timofte; S. Süsstrunk 

2021-05-01. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR), Virtual, June 19-25, 2021. p. 566-577. DOI : 10.1109/CVPRW53098.2021.00069.

On the Loss Landscape of Adversarial Training: Identifying Challenges and How to Overcome Them

C. Liu; M. Salzmann; T. Lin; R. Tomioka; S. Süsstrunk 

2021. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Virtual, December 6-12, 2020.

Reinforced Attention for Few-Shot Learning and Beyond

J. Hong; P. Fang; W. Li; T. Zhang; C. Simon et al. 

2021-01-01. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), ELECTR NETWORK, Jun 19-25, 2021. p. 913-923. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR46437.2021.00097.

Video Prediction Recalling Long-term Motion Context via Memory Alignment Learning

S. Lee; H. G. Kim; D. H. Choi; H-I. Kim; Y. M. Ro 

2021-01-01. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), ELECTR NETWORK, Jun 19-25, 2021. p. 3053-3062. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR46437.2021.00307.

Uncertainty-aware Joint Salient Object and Camouflaged Object Detection

A. Li; J. Zhang; Y. Lv; B. Liu; T. Zhang et al. 

2021-01-01. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), ELECTR NETWORK, Jun 19-25, 2021. p. 10066-10076. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR46437.2021.00994.

Adaptive extreme video completion

S. Süsstrunk; R. Zhou; R. Achanta; M. El Helou 



Estimating Image Depth in the Comics Domain

D. Bhattacharjee; M. N. Everaert; M. Salzmann; S. Süsstrunk 

2021. 22nd IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, HI, Jan 4, 2022 – Jan 8, 2022. p. 1111-1120. DOI : 10.1109/WACV51458.2022.00118.

Learning Saliency From Single Noisy Labelling: A Robust Model Fitting Perspective

J. Zhang; Y. Dai; T. Zhang; M. Harandi; N. Barnes et al. 

Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence. 2021-08-01. Vol. 43, num. 8, p. 2866-2873. DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.3046486.

Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence Estimation With the Deep Self-Correlation Descriptor

S. Kim; D. Min; S. Lin; K. Sohn 

Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence. 2021-07-01. Vol. 43, num. 7, p. 2345-2359. DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2965528.

Deep Image Restoration: Between Data Fidelity and Learned Priors

M. El Helou / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2021. 


AIM 2020: Scene Relighting and Illumination Estimation Challenge

M. El Helou; R. Zhou; S. Süsstrunk; R. Timofte; M. Afifi et al. 

2020-09-28. 16th European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCV 2020), [Online event], 23-28 august 2020.

Volumetric Transformer Networks

S. Kim; S. Süsstrunk; M. Salzmann 

2020-08-23. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020), Virtual Conference, August 23-28, 2020.

Evaluating salient object detection in natural images with multiple objects having multi-level saliency

G. Yildirim; D. Sen; M. Kankanhalli; S. Suesstrunk 

Iet Image Processing. 2020-08-21. Vol. 14, num. 10, p. 2249-2262. DOI : 10.1049/iet-ipr.2019.0787.

Stochastic Frequency Masking to Improve Super-Resolution and Denoising Networks

M. El Helou; R. Zhou; S. Süsstrunk 

2020-07-22. 16th European Conference on Computer Vision – ECCV ’20, [Online event], August 23-28, 2020.

Topological Fermi-arc surface resonances in bcc iron

D. Gosalbez-Martinez; G. Autes; O. Yazyev 

Physical Review B. 2020-07-14. Vol. 102, num. 3, p. 035419. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.035419.

DUNIT: Detection-based Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation

D. Bhattacharjee; S. Kim; G. Vizier; M. Salzmann 

2020-06-14. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, USA, Jun 14-19, 2020. p. 4786-4795. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00484.

Scene relighting with illumination estimation in the latent space on an encoder-decoder scheme

A. P. Dherse; M. N. Everaert; J. J. Gwizdala 


VIDIT: Virtual Image Dataset for Illumination Transfer

M. El Helou; R. Zhou; B. Johan; S. Süsstrunk 




Divergence-Based Adaptive Extreme Video Completion

M. El Helou; R. Zhou; F. Schmutz; F. Guibert; S. Süsstrunk 

2020-04-14. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 2020. p. 9259-9263. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053136.

Blind Universal Bayesian Image Denoising With Gaussian Noise Level Learning

M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 

2020-03-04. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP). p. 4885-4897. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2020.2976814.

Project Proposals CS413

C. Liu; H. C. Karaimer; M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 


Level-line moirés by superposition of cylindrical microlens gratings

T. Walger; T. Besson; V. Flauraud; R. D. Hersch; J. Brugger 

Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2020-01-10. Vol. A37, num. 2, p. 209-218. DOI : 10.1364/JOSAA.37.000209.

Height And Weight Estimation From Unconstrained Images

C. Y. Altinigne; D. Thanou; R. Achanta 

2020-01-01. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, SPAIN, May 04-08, 2020. p. 2298-2302. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053363.

Dynamic media content categorisation method

G. Autès; S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk 

US11961300; US2022207864; EP3963503; WO2020222027.


Painting by Numbers: Computational Methods and the History of Art

L. L. Impett / S. Süsstrunk; F. Moretti (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 

Image Restoration using Plug-and-Play CNN MAP Denoisers

S. Bigdeli; D. Honzatko; S. Suesstrunk; L. A. Dunbar 

2020-01-01. 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP) / 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Valletta, MALTA, Feb 27-29, 2020. p. 85-92. DOI : 10.5220/0008990700850092.

Precise and accurate image-based measurements of optical material properties

M. Shahpaski / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 

W2S: Microscopy Data with Joint Denoising and Super-Resolution for Widefield to SIM Mapping

R. Zhou; M. El Helou; D. Sage; T. Laroche; A. Seitz et al. 

2020. ECCV 2020 Workshop on BioImage Computing, Glasgow, United Kingdom, August 23-28, 2020. p. 499–518. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-67070-2_30.

Single Image Deraining Using Time-Lapse Data

J. Cho; S. Kim; D. Min; K. Sohn 

Ieee Transactions On Image Processing. 2020-01-01. Vol. 29, p. 7274-7289. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2020.3000612.

Editing in Style: Uncovering the Local Semantics of GANs

E. Collins; R. Bala; B. Price; S. Süsstrunk 

2020. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Patten Recognition (CVPR 2020), Virtual Conference, June 16-18, 2020. p. 5770-5779. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00581.

Towards Real-World Super-Resolution using Deep Neural Networks

R. Zhou / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 

Fabrication of moire on curved surfaces

A. Saberpour; R. D. Hersch; J. Fang; R. Zayer; H-P. Seidel et al. 

Optics Express. 2020-06-22. Vol. 28, num. 13, p. 19413-19428. DOI : 10.1364/OE.393843.

Unsupervised Stereo Matching Using Confidential Correspondence Consistency

S. Joung; S. Kim; K. Park; K. Sohn 

Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020-05-01. Vol. 21, num. 5, p. 2190-2203. DOI : 10.1109/TITS.2019.2917538.

Realizability of planar point embeddings from angle measurements

F. Dümbgen; M. El Helou; A. J. Scholefield 

2020. 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing – ICASSP, Barcelona, Spain, 4-8 May, 2020. p. 5710-5714. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053903.

AL2: Progressive Activation Loss for Learning General Representations in Classification Neural Networks

M. El Helou; F. Dümbgen; S. Süsstrunk 

2020. 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing – ICASSP 2020, Barcelona, Spain, 4-6 May, 2020. p. 4007-4011. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9054746.

Supplementary Material – AL2: Progressive Activation Loss for Learning General Representations in Classification Neural Networks

M. El Helou; F. Dümbgen; S. Süsstrunk 



1D moiré shapes by superposed layers of micro-lenses

T. Walger; T. Besson; V. Flauraud; R. D. Hersch; J. Brugger 

Optics Express. 2019-12-23. Vol. 27, num. 26, p. 37419-37434. DOI : 10.1364/OE.27.037419.

Solving the Depth Ambiguity in Single-Perspective Images

M. El Helou; M. Shahpaski; S. Süsstrunk 

2019-10-01. The Optical Society, OSA Continuum Journal. p. 2901-2913. DOI : 10.1364/OSAC.2.002901.

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who’s Got the Clearest Image of Them All?—A Tailored Approach to Single Image Reflection Removal

D. Heydecker; G. Maierhofer; A. I. Aviles-Rivera; F. Qingnan; D. Chen et al. 

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2019-07-01. Vol. 28, num. 12, p. 6185-6197. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2019.2923559.

Observation of Weyl Nodes in Robust Type-II Weyl Semimetal WP2

Yao; N. Xu; Q. S. Wu; G. Autes; N. Kumar et al. 

Physical Review Letters. 2019-05-03. Vol. 122, num. 17, p. 176402. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.176402.

Self-Binarizing Networks

F. Lahoud; R. Achanta; P. Marquez Neila; S. Süsstrunk 


Zero-Learning Fast Medical Image Fusion

F. Lahoud; S. Suesstrunk 

2019-01-01. 22nd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Ottawa, CANADA, Jul 02-05, 2019. DOI : 10.23919/FUSION43075.2019.9011178.

AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results

S. Gu; M. Danelljan; R. Timofte; M. Haris; K. Akita et al. 

2019-01-01. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Seoul, SOUTH KOREA, Oct 27-Nov 02, 2019. p. 3556-3564. DOI : 10.1109/ICCVW.2019.00440.

Graph Regularization Network With Semantic Affinity For Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization

J. Park; J. Lee; S. Jeon; S. Kim; K. Sohn 

2019-01-01. 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, TAIWAN, Sep 22-25, 2019. p. 3701-3705. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2019.8803589.

Unpaired Cross-Spectral Pedestrian Detection Via Adversarial Feature Learning

M. Kim; S. Joung; K. Park; S. Kim; K. Sohn 

2019-01-01. 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, TAIWAN, Sep 22-25, 2019. p. 1650-1654. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2019.8803098.

Deep Semantic Segmentation Using Nir As Extra Physical Information

S. Bigdeli; S. Susstrunk 

2019-01-01. 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, TAIWAN, Sep 22-25, 2019. p. 2439-2443. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2019.8803242.

Deep Feature Factorization For Content-Based Image Retrieval And Localization

E. Collins; S. Susstrunk 

2019-01-01. 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, TAIWAN, Sep 22-25, 2019. p. 874-878. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2019.8802980.

Method of displaying an image on a see-through display

A. Birbaumer; M. Bosch; S. Süsstrunk 

US11232609; EP3729366; US2021225045; US10984563; CN111465961; CA3086070; US2020380735; EP3729366; SG11202005384Q; CN111465961; AU2017443546; AU2017443546; CA3086070; WO2019120525.


Synthetic electronic video containing a hidden image

S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk; R. D. Hersch 



Zero-Learning Fast Medical Image Fusion

F. Lahoud; S. Süsstrunk 

2019. 22nd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2019), Ottawa, Canada, July 2-5, 2019. DOI : 10.23919/FUSION43075.2019.9011178.

Kernel Modeling Super-Resolution on Real Low-Resolution Images

R. Zhou; S. Süsstrunk 

2019. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Seoul, SOUTH KOREA, Oct 27-Nov 02, 2019. p. 2433-2443. DOI : 10.1109/ICCV.2019.00252.

Blind Universal Bayesian Image Denoising with Gaussian Noise Level Learning

M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 


Magic Prints: Image-Changing Prints Observed under Visible and 365 nm UV Light

P. Pjanic; M. Shahpaski; A. Grundhofer 

Journal Of Imaging Science And Technology. 2019-03-01. Vol. 63, num. 2, p. 020504. DOI : 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2019.63.2.020504.

Evaluating and Interpreting Deep Convolutional Neural Networks via Non-negative Matrix Factorization

E. Collins / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2019. 

Mobile Robotic Painting of Texture

M. El Helou; S. Mandt; A. Krause; P. Beardsley 

2019. ICRA 2019 – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Montreal, Canada, May 20-24, 2019. p. 640-647. DOI : 10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793947.

New Approaches to Artistic Synthesis Relying on Visual Perception

M. S. Arpa / S. Süsstrunk; R. Hersch (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2019. 

Closed-Form Solution to Disambiguate Defocus Blur in Single-Perspective Images

M. El Helou; M. Shahpaski; S. Süsstrunk 

2019. OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Mathematics in Imaging, June 2019. p. MM1D.2. DOI : 10.1364/MATH.2019.MM1D.2.

Comparative analysis of transmittance measurement geometries and apparatus

M. Shahpaski; L. R. Sapaico; S. Süsstrunk 

2019. IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2019, Burlingame, California USA, January 13-17, 2019.

A comparative study on wavelets and residuals in deep super resolution

R. Zhou; F. Lahoud; M. El Helou; S. Süsstrunk 

2019. 2019 IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Burlingame, California USA, 13 – 17 January, 2019.

AR in VR: Simulating augmented reality glass for image fusion

F. Lahoud; S. Süsstrunk 

2019. 2019 IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Burlingame, California USA, 13 – 17 January, 2019.

PIRM2018 Challenge on Spectral Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results

M. Shoeiby; A. Robles-Kelly; R. Timofte; R. Zhou; F. Lahoud et al. 

2019. European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops 2018, Munich, Germany, September 8-14, 2018. p. 356–371. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-11021-5_22.

Multi-Modal Spectral Image Super-Resolution

F. Lahoud; R. Zhou; S. Süsstrunk 

2019. Perceptual Image Restoration and Manipulation (PIRM) Workshop (in conjunction with ECCV 2018), Munich, Germany, September 14, 2018. p. 35-50. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-11021-5_3.


Fourier-Domain Optimization for Image Processing

M. El Helou; F. Dümbgen; R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 


AR in VR: Simulating Infrared Augmented Vision

F. Lahoud; S. Süsstrunk 

2018-09-06. 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, October 7-10, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2018.8451811.

Electronic properties of incommensurately modulated novel and complex materials

E. Martino; A. Arakcheeva; G. Autes; S. Katrych; O. V. Yazyev et al. 

2018-08-01.  p. E96-E96. DOI : 10.1107/S2053273318093798.

Scale-Adaptive Superpixels

R. Achanta; P. Marquez Neila; P. Fua; S. Süsstrunk 

2018. Color and Imaging Conference (CIC26), Vancouver, Canada, November 12-16, 2018. p. 1-6(6). DOI : 10.2352.

Deep Feature Factorization for Concept Discovery

E. Collins; R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2018. 15th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Germany, September 8-11, 2018. p. 352-368. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-01267-0.

Deep Learning for Logic Optimization Algorithms

W. Haaswijk; E. Collins; B. Seguin; M. Soeken; F. Kaplan et al. 

2018-01-01. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Florence, ITALY, May 27-30, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ISCAS.2018.8351885.

NTIRE 2018 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images

B. Arad; O. Ben-Shahar; R. Timofte; L. Van Gool; L. Zhang et al. 

2018. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2018, Salt Lake City, USA, June 18-22, 2018. p. 1042-1051. DOI : 10.1109/CVPRW.2018.00138.

Deep Residual Network for Joint Demosaicing and Super- Resolution

R. Zhou; R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2018. 26th Color and Imaging Conference 2018 (CIC26): Color Science and Engineering Systems, Technologies, and Applications, Vancouver, Canada, November 12-16, 2018.

Sculpture paintings

S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk; R. D. Hersch 

2018-08-17. Expressive 18, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, August 17-19, 2018. p. 1-8. DOI : 10.1145/3229147.3229156.

AAM: An Assessment Metric of Axial Chromatic Aberration

M. El Helou; F. Dümbgen; S. Süsstrunk 

2018. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). p. 2486-2490. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2018.8451377.

Learning to See through Reflections

M. Jin; S. Süsstrunk; P. Favaro 

2018. ICCP 2018, Carnegie Mellow University, Pittsburgh, PA, May, 4-6, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ICCPHOT.2018.8368464.

Computational Aesthetics and Image Enhancements using Deep Neural Networks

B. Jin / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2018. 

Image Restoration using Autoencoding Priors

S. Arjomand Bigdeli; M. Zwicker; S. Arjomand Bigdeli 

2018-01-27. VISAPP, Funchal, Portugal, 2018-01-27. p. 33-44. DOI : 10.5220/0006532100330044.

Near-Infrared Fusion for Photorealistic Image Dehazing

F. Dümbgen; M. El Helou; N. Gucevska; S. Süsstrunk 

2018. Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications Session, at IS&T Electronic Imaging 2018, Burlingame, California, USA, January 28th – February 2nd 2018.


Deep Mean-Shift Priors for Image Restoration

S. Arjomand Bigdeli; M. Jin; P. Favaro; M. Zwicker 

2017. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Long beach CA, 2017.

We get the algorithms of our ground truths: Designing referential databases in digital image processing

F. Jaton 

Social Studies of Science. 2017. Vol. 47, num. 6, p. 811-840. DOI : 10.1177/0306312717730428.

Totentanz. Operationalizing Aby Warburg’s Pathosformeln

L. Impett; F. Moretti 


A Handwritten French Dataset for Word Spotting – CFRAMUZ

N. Arvanitopoulos; G. Chevassus; D. Maggetti; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. The 4th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP 2017), Kyoto, Japan, November 10-11, 2017. p. 25–30. DOI : 10.1145/3151509.3151523.

Correlation-Based Deblurring Leveraging Multispectral Chromatic Aberration in Color and Near-Infrared Joint Acquisition

M. El Helou; Z. Sadeghipoor; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017. p. 1402-1406. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2017.8296512.

Totentanz. Operationalizing Aby Warburg’s Pathosformeln

L. Impett; F. Moretti 

New Left Review. 2017. num. 107, p. 68-97.

Color Representation in Deep Neural Networks

M. Engilberge; E. Collins; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017. p. 2786-2790. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2017.8296790.

Keyword-based Image Color Re-rendering with Semantic Segmentation

F. Lahoud; M. S. Ortiz Segovia; B. Jin; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, October 1-5, 2017. p. 2936-2940. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2017.8296820.

Preserving Perceptual Contrast in Decolorization with Optimized Color Orders

B. Jin; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017. p. 1227-1231. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2017.8296477.

Media item relighting technique

N. Thanikachalam; L. A. Baboulaz; D. Firmenich; S. Suesstrunk; M. Vetterli 

US10475392; US2017256208.


Sparse Gradient Optimization and its Applications in Image Processing

N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis / S. Süsstrunk; R. Achanta (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2017. 

Scale-adaptive media item segmentation technique

R. Achanta 

US10229337; US2017236289.


Synthesis of superposition shape images by light interacting with layers of lenslets

R. D. Hersch; T. Walger; V. Flauraud; J. Brugger; T. Besson 

CH713112; AU2016344585; EP3368332; US10899161; SE543208; RU2018119314; RU2018119314; PL426607; US10286716; CL2018001115; US2018311990; BR112018008671; GB2561731; CN108541238; EP3368332; MX2018005369; KR20180095802; AT519643; DE112016004552; GB201806957; SE1850632; AU2016344585; CA3002906; WO2017072566; US2017113481.


Color changing effects with cross-halftone prints on metal

R. D. Hersch; P. Pjanic 

EP3357226; AU2016334807; EP3357226; AU2016334807; WO2017060761; US9531914.


La Localisation du Jaune dans des Dessins de Dieux Réalisés par des Enfants

C. Cocco; D. Firmenich; P-Y. Brandt; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. Premiere annual conference of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (DH 2017), Montreal, Canada, August 8-11, 2017.

From Mnemosyne To Terpsichore – The Bilderatlas After The Image

L. L. Impett; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. Premiere Annual Conference of the International Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (DH 2017), Montreal, Canada, August 8-11, 2017.

Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Calibration of a Projector-Camera Pair

M. Shahpaski; L. R. Sapaico; G. Chevassus; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 21-26, 2017. p. 3596-3604. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2017.383.

Single Image Reflection Suppression

N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis; R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017), Honolulu, Hawaï, USA, July 21-26, 2017. p. 1752-1760. DOI : 10.1109/Cvpr.2017.190.

Superpixels and Polygons using Simple Non-Iterative Clustering

R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017), Honolulu, Hawaï, USA, July 21-26, 2017. p. 4895-4904. DOI : 10.1109/Cvpr.2017.520.

Webly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

B. Jin; M. V. Ortiz-Segovia; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017), Honolulu, Hawaï, USA, July 21-26, 2017. p. 1705-1714. DOI : 10.1109/Cvpr.2017.185.

Revealing Information by Averaging

S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk; D. R. Hersch 

Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 2017. Vol. 34, num. 5, p. 743-751. DOI : 10.1364/Josaa.34.000743.

Face Recognition in Real-world Images

X. Fontaine; R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, March 5-9. p. 1482-1486. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7952403.

Extreme Image Completion

R. Achanta; N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis; S. Süsstrunk 

2017. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, March 5-9. p. 1333-1337. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7952373.

Handheld reflectance acquisition of paintings

N. Thanikachalam; L. Baboulaz; D. Firmenich; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. 2017. Vol. 3, num. 4, p. 580-591. DOI : 10.1109/TCI.2017.2749182.


Temporally coherent disparity maps using CRFs with fast 4D filtering

S. Arjomand Bigdeli; G. Budweiser; M. Zwicker 

2016-06-09. Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), November 3-6, 2015. p. 301-305. DOI : 10.1109/ACPR.2015.7486514.

Temporally coherent disparity maps using CRFs with fast 4D filtering

S. Arjomand Bigdeli; G. Budweiser; M. Zwicker 

IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications. 2016-04-15. Vol. 8, num. 1, p. 10. DOI : 10.1186/s41074-016-0011-2.

Method to produce a full-color smoothed image

C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 

EP2309449; EP2309449.


Demultiplexing Visible and Near-Infrared Information in Single- Sensor Multispectral Imaging

Z. Sadeghipoor; J-B. Thomas; S. Süsstrunk 

2016. Color Computational Imaging Conference (CIC 24), San Diego, CA, USA, November 7-11, 2016.

Pose and Pathosformel in Aby Warburg’s Bilderatlas

L. L. Impett; S. Süsstrunk 

2016. The 14th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV’16), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 11-14. p. 888–902. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-46604-0_61.


B. Jin; M. V. Ortiz Segovia; S. Süsstrunk 

2016. The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2016), Phoenix, AZ, USA, September 25-28. p. 2291-2295. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2016.7532767.

Non-parametric Blur Map Regression for Depth of Field Extension

L. D’ Andrès; J. Salvador; A. Kochale; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2016. Vol. 25, num. 4, p. 1660-1673. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2016.2526907.


Method for Generating an HTML Document that Contains Encrypted Files and the Code Necessary for Decrypting Them When a Valid Passphrase is Provided

T. Lochmatter; R. Achanta 

US9608822; US2015270974.


FASA: Fast, Accurate, and Size-Aware Salient Object Detection

G. Yildirim; S. Süsstrunk 

2015. 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Singapore, Nov 1-5, 2014. p. 514-528. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-16811-1_34.

Joint Acquisition of Color and Near-Infrared Images on a Single Sensor

Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani / S. Süsstrunk; Y. Lu (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. 

Image Aesthetics Depends on Context

F. Simond; N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis; S. Süsstrunk 

2015. International Conference on Image Processing, Québec City, Canada, September 27-30, 2015. p. 3788-3792. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2015.7351513.

Multiscale guided deblurring: Chromatic aberration correction in color and near-infrared imaging

Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; Y. Lu; E. Mendez; S. Süsstrunk 

2015. European Conference on Signal Processing, Nice, France, p. 2336-2340. DOI : 10.1109/EUSIPCO.2015.7362802.

Are All Pixels Equally Important? Towards Multi-Level Salient Object Detection

G. Yildirim / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. 

High Relief from 3D Scenes

S. Arpa; S. Süsstrunk; R. Hersch 

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics, Zurich). 2015. Vol. 34, num. 2, p. 253-263. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12557.

Graph Embedded Nonparametric Mutual Information For Supervised Dimensionality Reduction

D. Bouzas; N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis; A. Tefas 

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2015. Vol. 26, num. 5, p. 951-963. DOI : 10.1109/Tnnls.2014.2329240.

Semantic-Improved Color Imaging Applications: It Is All About Context

A. Lindner; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2015. Vol. 17, num. 5, p. 700-710. DOI : 10.1109/TMM.2015.2410175.

Modeling the Importance of Faces in Natural Images

B. Jin; G. Yildirim; C. Lau; A. Shaji; M. Ortiz Segovia et al. 

2015. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XX, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, USA, February 9 – 12, 2015. DOI : 10.1117/12.2076936.

An Interactive App for Color Deficient Viewers

C. Lau; N. Perdu; C. E. Rodriguez-Pardo; S. Süsstrunk; G. Sharma 

2015. SPIE – IS&T, Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 8-12, 2015. DOI : 10.1117/12.2075162.

Gradient-Based Correction of Chromatic Aberration in the Joint Acquisition of Color and Near-Infrared Images

Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; Y. Lu; S. Süsstrunk 

2015. Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE EI: Digital Photography and Mobile Imaging XI, San Francisco, California, USA, February 8-12, 2015. DOI : 10.1117/12.2077102.


Hand-held 3D light field photography and applications

D. Donatsch; S. Arjomand Bigdeli; P. Robert; M. Zwicker 

The Visual Computer. 2014-06-01. Vol. 30, num. 6-8, p. 897-907. DOI : 10.1007/s00371-014-0979-5.

Laplacian Support Vector Analysis for Subspace Discriminative Learning

N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis; D. Bouzas; A. Tefas 

2014. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 2014. p. 1609-1614. DOI : 10.1109/ICPR.2014.285.

A Practical Method for Measuring the Spatial Frequency Response of Light Field Cameras

D. Firmenich; S. Süsstrunk; L. Baboulaz 

2014. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Paris, France, October 27-30, 2014. p. 5776-5780. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2014.7026168.

Binarization-free Text Line Extraction for Historical Manuscripts

N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. Digital Humanities, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 7-12, 2014. p. 83-85.

Saliency Detection Using Regression Trees on Hierarchical Image Segments

G. Yildirim; A. Shaji; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. 21st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Paris, France, October 27-30, 2014. p. 3302-3306. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2014.7025668.

Creating Personalized Jigsaw Puzzles

C. Lau; Y. Schwartzburg; A. Shaji; Z. Sadeghipoor; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. 12th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. p. 31-39. DOI : 10.1145/2630397.2630405.

Compressive Acquisition of Color and Near-Infrared Images

Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; Y. Lu; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, Santa Clara, California, USA, May 2-4, 2014.

Seam Carving for Text Line Extraction on Color and Grayscale Historical Manuscripts

N. Arvanitopoulos Darginis; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), Crete, Greece, September 1-4, 2014. p. 726-731. DOI : 10.1109/ICFHR.2014.127.

Recovering Badly Exposed Objects From Digital Photos Using Internet Images

F. M. Savoy; V. Vonikakis; S. Winkler; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium. p. 90230W. DOI : 10.1117/12.2042460.

An Interactive Tool for Gamut Masking

Y. Song; C. Lau; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Measuring, Modeling, and Reproducing Material Appearance. DOI : 10.1117/12.2038355.

Temporally Consistent Snow Cover Estimation from Noisy, Irregularly Sampled Measurements

D. Rüfenacht; M. Brown; J. Beutel; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Lisbon, Portugal, January 5-8, 2014.

Automatic and Accurate Shadow Detection using Near-Infrared Information

D. Rüfenacht; C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2014. Vol. 36, num. 8, p. 1672-1678. DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2013.229.


Mirror Match: Reliable Feature Point Matching Without Geometric Constraints

J. T. Arnfred; S. Winkler; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. 2nd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2013), Okinawa, Japan, November 5-8, 2013.

Estimating Beauty Ratings of Videos using Supervoxels

G. Yildirim; A. Shaji; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain, October 21-25, 2013. p. 385-388. DOI : 10.1145/2502081.2508125.

Rare is Interesting: Connecting Spatio-Temporal Behavior Patterns with Subjective Image Appeal

G. Yildirim; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. The 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain, October 21-25, 2013. p. 31-36. DOI : 10.1145/2509230.2509234.

Low-Level Salient Region Detection Using Multi-Scale Filtering

G. Yildirim; S. Süsstrunk 


Automatic Color Palette Creation from Words

A. J. Lindner; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. IS&T 21st Color and Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 4-8, 2013. p. 69-74.

Automatic Detection of Dust and Scratches in Silver Halide Film using Polarized Dark-Field Illumination

D. Rüfenacht; G. Trumpy; R. Gschwind; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. IEEE 20th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Melbourne, Australia, September 15-18, 2013. p. 2096-2100. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2013.6738432.

Near-Infrared Guided Color Image Dehazing

C. Feng; S. Zhuo; X. Zhang; L. Shen; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. IEEE 20th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Melbourne, Australia, September 15-18, 2013. p. 2363-2367. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2013.6738487.

Camera design for the simultaneous capture of near-infrared and visible images

C. Fredembach; Y. M. Lu; S. Süsstrunk 

US8462238; US2011249157; WO2010052593.


Incorporating Near-Infrared into Scene Understanding

N. Salamati / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2013. 

A Novel Compressive Sensing Approach to Simultaneously Acquire Color and Near-infrared Images on a Single Sensor

Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; Y. Lu; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013. p. 1646-1650. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2013.6637931.

Text Recognition in Natural Images Using Multiclass Hough Forests

G. Yildirim; R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. 8th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Barcelona, Spain, February 21-24, 2013. p. 737-741.

Semantic Awareness for Automatic Image Interpretation

A. Lindner / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2013. 

What is the Space of Spectral Sensitivity Functions for Digital Color Cameras?

J. Jiang; D. Liu; J. Gu; S. Süsstrunk 

2013. IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, January 17-18, 2013. p. 168-179. DOI : 10.1109/WACV.2013.6475015.


Method and system for recommending a product based upon skin color estimated from an image

H. Baker; N. Bhatti; M. Harville; S. Süsstrunk 

EP2131697; CN101668451; KR101140533; JP2010520551; CN101668451; KR20100005072; EP2131697; WO2008108760.


Games with Hypotheses: Color, Text and Texture

N. Moroney; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. IS&T/SID 20th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC), Los Angeles, California, USA, November 14-16, 2012. p. 36-40.

Semantic-Driven Selection of Printer Color Rendering Intents

K. Falkenstern; A. Lindner; S. Süsstrunk; N. Bonnier 

2012. IS&T/SID Color and Imaging Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, November 12 – 16, 2012. p. 323-328.

An Efficient Demosaicing Technique using Geometrical Information

A. Maalouf; M-C. Larabi; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. IEEE International Conference on Imaging Processing (ICIP), Orlando, Floriday, USA, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6467478.

Semantic Image Segmentation Using Visible and Near-Infrared Channels

N. Salamati; D. Larlus; G. Csurka; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. 4th Workshop on Color and Photometry in Computer Vision at ECCV12, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012. p. 461-471. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-33868-7_46.

Compression of Multispectral Images: Color (RGB) plus Near-Infrared (NIR)

N. Salamati; Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Banff, Canada, September 17-19, 2012. p. 65-70. DOI : 10.1109/MMSP.2012.6343417.

A Large-Scale Multi-Lingual Color Thesaurus

A. Lindner; B. Z. Li; N. Bonnier; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. IS&T/SID 20th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC), Los Angeles, California, USA, November 12 – 16, 2012. p. 30-35.

Joint Statistical Analysis of Images and Keywords with Applications in Semantic Image Enhancement

A. Lindner; A. Shaji; N. Bonnier; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. ACM Multimedia, Osaka, Japan, October 29 – November 2, 2012. p. 489-498. DOI : 10.1145/2393347.2393417.

SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods

R. Achanta; A. Shaji; K. Smith; A. Lucchi; P. Fua et al. 

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2012. Vol. 34, num. 11, p. 2274-2282. DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2012.120.

Automatic and Accurate Shadow Detection using Near-Infrared Information

C. Fredembach; D. Rüfenacht; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, Seattle, WA, USA, April 27-29, 2012.

How is the Weather: Automatic Inference from Images

Z. Chen; F. Yang; A. Lindner; G. Barrenetxea; M. Vetterli 

2012. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2012). p. 1853-1856. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2012.6467244.

Spectral Sharpening by Spherical Sampling

G. D. Finlayson; J. Vazquez-Corral; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vanrell 

Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 2012. Vol. 29, num. 11, p. 1199-1210. DOI : 10.1364/JOSAA.29.001199.

A New In-Camera Imaging Model for Color Computer Vision and its Application

S. J. Kim; H. T. Lin; Z. Lu; S. Süsstrunk; S. Lin et al. 

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2012. Vol. 34, num. 12, p. 2289-2302. DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2012.58.

What is the color of chocolate? – extracting color values of semantic expressions

A. Lindner; N. Bonnier; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. IS&T 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision (CGIV 2012)., University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 6-9, 2012. p. 355-361.

Optimum Spectral Sensitivity Functions for Single Sensor Color Imaging

Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; Y. Lu; S. Süsstrunk 

2012. Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE EI: Digital Photography VIII, San Francisco. California, USA, January 22-26, 2012. p. 829904. DOI : 10.1117/12.907904.

Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Image Stacks with Learned Shape Features

A. Lucchi; K. Smith; R. Achanta; G. Knott; P. Fua 

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2012. Vol. 31, num. 2, p. 474-486. DOI : 10.1109/TMI.2011.2171705.


Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Video

D. Rüfenacht 


Combining Visible and Near-Infrared Cues for Image Categorisation

N. Salamati; D. Larlus; G. Csurka 

2011. 22nd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2011), Dundee, Scotland., 30 August – 1 September, 2011. DOI : 10.5244/C.25.49.

Removing Shadows from Images Using Color and Near-infrared

N. Salamati; A. Germain; S. Süsstrunk 

2011. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2011.6115788.

Correlation-based Joint Acquisition and Demosaicing of Visible and Near-Infrared Images

Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; Y. Lu; S. Süsstrunk 

2011. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, Belgium, September 11-15, 2011. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2011.6116339.

Revisiting Radiometric Calibration for Color Computer Vision

H. Lin; S. J. Kim; S. Süsstrunk; M. S. Brown 

2011. 13th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Barcelona, Spain, November 6-13, 2011. DOI : 10.1109/ICCV.2011.6126234.

Spatio-Chromatic Decorrelation by Shift-Invariant Filtering

M. Brown; S. Süsstrunk; P. Fua 

2011. IEEE CVPR Workshop on Biologically Consistent Vision, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, June 2011. DOI : 10.1109/CVPRW.2011.5981688.

Multispectral Interest Points for RGB-NIR Image Registration

D. Firmenich; M. Brown; S. Süsstrunk 

2011. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, Belgium, September 2011. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2011.6115818.

Multispectral SIFT for Scene Category Recognition

M. Brown; S. Süsstrunk 

2011. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2011), Colorado Springs, CO, USA, June 2011. p. 177-184. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2011.5995637.

Are Sparse Representations Really Relevant for Image Classification?

R. Rigamonti; M. Brown; V. Lepetit 

2011. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2011), Colorado Springs, p. 1545-1552. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2011.5995313.

Evaluation of a Hyperspectral Image Database for Demosaicking Purposes

M-C. Larabi; S. Süsstrunk 

2011. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Digital Photography VII, San Francisco, January 24-27, 2011. DOI : 10.1117/12.876764.

Analyzing Near-infrared Images for Utility Assessment

N. Salamati; Z. Sadeghipoor Kermani; S. Süsstrunk 

2011. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVI, San Francisco, California, USA, January 24 – 27, 2011. DOI : 10.1117/12.876494.

Saliency-driven Black Point Compensation

A. Lindner; N. Bonnier; S. Süsstrunk 

2011. IS&T / SPIE Electronic Imaging, Color Imaging XVI: Display, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 23-27, 2011. DOI : 10.1117/12.872448.

Finding Objects of Interest in Images using Saliency and Superpixels

R. Achanta / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2011. 


Digital Photography

P. B. Catrysse; S. Süsstrunk 

Journal Of Electronic Imaging. 2010. Vol. 19, num. 2, p. 021101. DOI : 10.1117/1.3459944.

Automatic and accurate shadow detection from (potentially) a single image using near-infrared information

C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 


Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of EM Image Stacks with Learned Shape Features

A. Lucchi; K. Smith; R. Achanta; G. Knott; P. Fua 


Automatic Skin Enhancement with Visible and Near-Infrared Image Fusion

S. Süsstrunk; C. Fredembach; D. Tamburrino 

2010. ACM MULTIMEDIA 2010, Florence, Italy, October 25-29, 2010. DOI : 10.1145/1873951.1874324.

Material-Based Object Segmentation Using Near-Infrared Information

N. Salamati; S. Süsstrunk 

2010. IS&T/SID 18th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC), San Antonio, Texas, November 8–12, 2010. p. 196-201.

Automatic grouping of semantic keywords to improve image rendering

A. Lindner; N. Bonnier; M. Candemir; S. Süsstrunk 

2010. IS&T/SID 18th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC), San Antonio, Texas, USA, November 8-12, 2010. p. 217-222.

Saliency Detection using Maximum Symmetric Surround

R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2010. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kong, China, September 26-29. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2010.5652636.

GUI-Aided NIR and Color Image Blending

A. Guidi; R. Achanta; C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 

2010. 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), Valletta, Malta, 25 – 28 April 2010. p. 1111-1116. DOI : 10.1109/MELCON.2010.5476359.

A Fully Automated Approach to Segmentation of Irregularly Shaped Cellular Structures in EM Images

A. Lucchi; K. Smith; R. Achanta; V. Lepetit; P. Fua 

2010. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Beijing, September 20-24, 2010. p. 463-471. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-15745-5_57.

Enhancing the Visible with the Invisible: Exploiting Near-Infrared to Advance Computational Photography and Computer Vision

S. Süsstrunk; C. Fredembach 

2010. 48th Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium, Seminar and Exhibition (SID 2010), Seattle, Washington, USA, May 23-28, 2010. p. 90-93. DOI : 10.1889/1.3500628.

The Gigavision Camera

F. Yang; L. Sbaiz; E. Charbon; Y. Lu; S. Süsstrunk et al. 

IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), MIT, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 28-30, 2010.

Enhancing the Visible with the Invisble: RGB plus Near-Infrared

C. Fredembach; N. Barbuscia; Y. Lu; N. Salamati; L. Schaul et al. 

IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), MIT, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 28-30, 2010.

Cell Phones as Imaging Sensors

N. Bhatti; H. Baker; J. Marguier; J. Berclaz; S. Süsstrunk 

2010. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing: Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 5-9, 2010. DOI : 10.1117/12.855626.

Daylight illuminant retrieval using redundant image elements

J. Marguier; S. Süsstrunk 

Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 2010. 

2PFC (Two Pixels, Full Color): Image Sensor Demosaicing and Characterization

D. Tamburrino; J. M. Speigle; D. J. Tweet; J-J. Lee 

Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2010. Vol. 19, p. 021103. DOI : 10.1117/1.3373512.

Mobile Cosmetics Advisor: An Imaging Based Mobile Service

N. Bhatti; H. Baker; H. Chao; S. Clearwater; M. Harville et al. 

2010. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Multimedia on Mobile Devices 2010, San Jose, CA, USA, January 17-21, 2010. DOI : 10.1117/12.840303.

On Pixel Detection Threshold in the Gigavision Camera

F. Yang; L. Sbaiz; E. Charbon; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

2010. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, Digital Photography VI, San Jose, January 17-21, 2010. DOI : 10.1117/12.840015.

Exploiting redundancy in color images

J. Marguier / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2010. 


Material Classification Using Color and NIR Images

N. Salamati; C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IS&T/SID 17th Color Imaging Conference (CIC), Albuquerque, NM, USA, 11-13 November, 2009.

Combining visible and near-infrared images for realistic skin smoothing

C. Fredembach; N. Barbuscia; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IS&T/SID 17th Color Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 11-13 November, 2009.

Designing color filter arrays for the joint capture of visible and near-infrared images

Y. M. Lu; C. Fredembach; M. Vetterli; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 7-10, 2009. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2009.5414324.

Face Image Enhancement Using 3D and Spectral Information

C. Dubout; M. Tsukada; R. Ishiyama; C. Funayama; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, November 7-11. 2009. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2009.5414334.

Image Summaries using Database Saliency

R. Achanta; A. Shaji; P. Fua; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. The 2nd ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition in Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia), Yokohama, Japan, December 16-19, 2009. p. 43. DOI : 10.1145/1666778.1666821.

Image Reconstruction in the Gigavision Camera

F. Yang; L. Sbaiz; E. Charbon; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

2009. Ninth Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras (OMNIVIS 2009), Kyoto, September 27 – October 4. p. 2212-2219. DOI : 10.1109/ICCVW.2009.5457554.

Color Image Dehazing using the Near-Infrared

L. Schaul; C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, November 7-11, 2009. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2009.5413700.

Memory colour segmentation and classification using class-specific eigenregions

C. Fredembach; F. Estrada; S. Süsstrunk 

Journal of the Society for Information Display. 2009. Vol. 17, num. 11, p. 921-931. DOI : 10.1889/JSID17.11.921.

A Home Décor expert in your camera

J. Marguier; N. Bhatti; H. Baker; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. 17th IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 9-13, 2009. p. 85-90.

True color communication

H. Baker; N. Bhatti; S. Süsstrunk; M. Harville 

US7522767; US2007058859.


Capture and systematic use of expert color analysis

N. Bhatti; H. Baker; M. Harville; S. Süsstrunk 

US7522768; US2007071314.


Method and system for skin color estimation from an image

M. Harville; H. Baker; N. Bhatti; S. Süsstrunk 

US7522769; US2007058860.


Saliency Detection for Content-aware Image Resizing

R. Achanta; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 7-11, 2009. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2009.5413815.

Frequency-tuned Salient Region Detection

R. Achanta; S. Hemami; F. Estrada; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2009), Miami Beach, Florida, June 20-25, 2009. p. 1597-1604. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2009.5206596.

Appearance-based Keypoint Clustering

F. J. Estrada; P. Fua; V. Lepetit; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2009), Miami Beach, FL, USA, June 20-25, 2009. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2009.5206514.

The Gigavision Camera

L. Sbaiz; F. Yang; E. Charbon; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

2009. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Taipei, April 19-24, 2009. p. 1093-1096. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4959778.

2PFC™ Image Sensors: Better Image Quality at Lower Cost

D. J. Tweet; J-J. Lee; J. M. Speigle; D. Tamburrino 

2009. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Digital Photography V, San Jose, CA, USA, January 19-20, 2009. DOI : 10.1117/12.810177.

Illuminant estimation and detection using near infrared

C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 

2009. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Digital Photography V, San Jose, USA, January 18-22, 2009. DOI : 10.1117/12.806431.


Display system and method using a projector and a reflective display

R. W. G. Hunt; S. Süsstrunk; J. M. Holm; G. J. Dispoto 

US7466309; US2006119625.


Colouring the near infrared

C. Fredembach; S. Süsstrunk 

2008. IS&T/SID 16th Color Imaging Conference, Portland, USA, November 10-15, 2008. p. 176-182.

Segmenting memory colours

C. Fredembach; F. Estrada; S. Süsstrunk 

2008. IS&T/SID 16th Color Imaging Conference, Portland, USA, November 10-15, 2008. p. 315-320.

Color Match: An Imaging Based Mobile Cosmetics Advisory Service

J. J. Jain; N. Bhatti; H. Baker; H. Chao; M. Dekhil et al. 

2008. ACM MobileHCI 2008, Amsterdam, September 2-5, 2008. p. 335-338. DOI : 10.1145/1409240.1409281.

Illuminant retrieval for fixed location cameras

J. Marguier; S. Süsstrunk 

2008. IS&T/SID 16th Color Imaging Conference, Portland, OR, November 10-15, 2008. p. 227-231.

The bright-chromagenic algorithm for illuminant estimation

C. Fredembach; G. Finlayson 

Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 2008. Vol. 52, num. 4, p. 040906-1–040908-11. DOI : 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2008)52:4(040906).

The 1.5D sieve algorithm

C. Fredembach; G. Finlayson 

Pattern Recognition Letters. 2008. Vol. 29, num. 5, p. 629-636. DOI : 10.1016/j.patrec.2007.11.016.

Salient Region Detection and Segmentation

R. Achanta; F. Estrada; P. Wils; S. Süsstrunk 

2008. International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS ’08), Santorini, Greece, May 12-15 2008. p. 66-75. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-540-79547-6_7.

Linear Minimum Mean Square Error Demosaicking

D. Alleysson; B. Chaix de Lavarène; S. Süsstrunk; J. Hérault 

Single-Sensor Imaging: Methods and Applications for Digital Cameras; CRC Press, 2008.

Digital Camera Workflow for High Dynamic Range Images Using a Model of Retinal Processing

D. Tamburrino; D. Alleysson; L. Meylan; S. Süsstrunk 

2008. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Digital Photography IV, San Jose, CA, USA, January 28-29, 2008. DOI : 10.1117/12.767728.

The Flux: Creating a Large Annotated Image Database

D. Tamburrino; P. Schönmann; P. Vandewalle; S. Süsstrunk 

2008. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance V, San Jose, CA, USA, January 28-30, 2008. DOI : 10.1117/12.767609.

Repairing Gamut Problems in CIECAM02: A Progress Report

M. H. Brill; S. Süsstrunk 

Color Research and Applications. 2008. Vol. 33, num. 5, p. 424-426. DOI : 10.1002/col.20432.

Higher Order SVD Analysis for Dynamic Texture Synthesis

R. Costantini; L. Sbaiz; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2008. Vol. 17, num. 1, p. 42-52. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2007.910956.

Groebner Basis Methods for Multichannel Sampling with Unknown Offsets

L. Sbaiz; P. Vandewalle; M. Vetterli 

Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 2008. Vol. 25, num. 3, p. 277-294. DOI : 10.1016/j.acha.2007.11.003.


Image Formation, Colorimetry, Color Spaces, Color Encodings and Color Image Encodings, Color Management

S. Süsstrunk 

Focal Encyclopedia of Photography: 4th Edition; Elsevier (Focal Press), 2007. p. 382-399.

Color correction of uncalibrated images for the classification of human skin color

J. Marguier; N. Bhatti; H. Baker; M. Harville; S. Süsstrunk 

2007. 15th IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, November 5-9, 2007. p. 331-335.

Assessing human skin color from uncalibrated images

J. Marguier; N. Bhatti; H. Baker; M. Harville; S. Süsstrunk 

International Journal of Imaging, Systems and Technology. 2007. Vol. 17, num. 3, p. 143-151. DOI : 10.1002/ima.20114.

Compact representations for static and dynamic texture synthesis

R. Costantini / S. Süsstrunk; L. Sbaiz (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2007. 

A Model of Retinal Local Adaptation for the Tone Mapping of Color Filter Array Images

L. Meylan; D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk 

Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 2007. Vol. 24, num. 9, p. 2807-2816. DOI : 10.1364/JOSAA.24.002807.

Tone Mapping For High Dynamic Range Displays

L. Meylan; S. Daly; S. Süsstrunk 

2007. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII, San Jose, January 2007. DOI : 10.1117/12.706472.

Experiences with Reproducible Research in Various Facets of Signal Processing Research

P. Vandewalle; G. Barrenetxea; I. Jovanovic; A. Ridolfi; M. Vetterli 

2007. IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. p. 1253-1256. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2007.367304.

Joint Demosaicing and Super-Resolution Imaging from a Set of Unregistered Aliased Images

P. Vandewalle; K. Krichane; D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk 

2007. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Digital Photography III, San Jose, CA, USA, January 28 – February 1, 2007. DOI : 10.1117/12.703980.

Multidimensional image enhancement from a set of unregistered differently exposed images

A. Ajdari Rad; L. Meylan; P. Vandewalle; S. Süsstrunk 

2007. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Computational Imaging V, San Jose, CA, USA, January 28 – February 1. DOI : 10.1117/12.704004.

Super-Resolution from Unregistered and Totally Aliased Signals Using Subspace Methods

P. Vandewalle; L. Sbaiz; J. Vandewalle; M. Vetterli 

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2007. Vol. 55, num. 7, Part 2, p. 3687-3703. DOI : 10.1109/TSP.2007.894257.


Dynamic Texture on Fixed-Point Architectures

R. Costantini; L. Sbaiz; S. Süsstrunk 


Color matching functions for a perceptually uniform RGB space

J. Marguier; S. Süsstrunk 

2006. ISCC/CIE Expert Symposium, Ottawa, Canada,

Aliasing is Good for You: Joint Registration and Reconstruction for Super-Resolution

P. Vandewalle; L. Sbaiz; J. Vandewalle; M. Vetterli 


Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis using Tensor Decomposition

R. Costantini; L. Sbaiz; S. Süsstrunk 

2006. International Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, November 6-8. p. 245–254. DOI : 10.1007/11919629_26.

Dynamic Texture Synthesis: Compact Models Based on Luminance -Chrominance Color Representation

R. Costantini; L. Sbaiz; S. Süsstrunk 

2006. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006), Atlanta, October 8-11. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2006.312924.

Super-resolution from unregistered aliased images

P. Vandewalle / M. Vetterli; S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2006. 

Tone mapping for high dynamic range images

L. Meylan / S. Süsstrunk; W. Gerstner (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2006. 

The Reproduction of Specular Highlights on High Dynamic Range Displays

L. Meylan; S. Daly; S. Süsstrunk 

2006. IS&T/SID 14th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, November 6-10 2006.

HDR CFA Image Rendering

D. Alleysson; L. Meylan; S. Süsstrunk 

2006. EURASIP 14th European Signal Processing Conference, Florence, Italy, September 4-8 2006.

Effects of Motion and Configural Complexity on Color Transparency Perception

P. Gerardin; P. Roud; S. Süsstrunk; K. Knoblauch 

Visual Neuroscience. 2006. Vol. 23, num. 3-4, p. 591-596. DOI : 10.1017/S0952523806233352.

Signal Reconstruction from Multiple Unregistered Sets of Samples using Groebner Bases

P. Vandewalle; L. Sbaiz; M. Vetterli 

2006. IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, p. 604-607. DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2006.1660726.

Automatic Red-Eye Removal based on Sclera and Skin Tone Detection

F. Volken; J. Terrier; P. Vandewalle 

2006. IS&T Third European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV), Leeds, UK, p. 359-364.

Registration of Aliased Images for Super-Resolution Imaging

P. Vandewalle; L. Sbaiz; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

2006. SPIE/IS&T Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, San Jose, CA, 15-19 January 2006. p. 13-23. DOI : 10.1117/12.644032.

Perceived Audiovisual Quality of Low-Bitrate Multimedia Content

S. Winkler; C. Faller 

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2006. Vol. 8, num. 5, p. 973-980. DOI : 10.1109/TMM.2006.879871.

High Dynamic Range Image Rendering Using a Retinex-Based Adaptive Filter

L. Meylan; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2006. Vol. 15, num. 9, p. 2820-2830. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2006.877312.

A Frequency Domain Approach to Registration of Aliased Images with Application to Super-Resolution

P. Vandewalle; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2006. Vol. 2006, p. 071459. DOI : 10.1155/ASP/2006/71459.


Computing Chromatic Adaptation

S. Süsstrunk / G. D. Finlayson (Dir.)  

University of East Anglia, 2005. 

Adapting the Sample Size in Texture Synthesis

R. Costantini; L. Sbaiz; S. Süsstrunk 


On the Use of Masking Models for Image and Audio Watermarking

A. Robert; J. Picard 

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2005. Vol. 7, num. 4, p. 727-739. DOI : 10.1109/TMM.2005.846781.

Evaluating Chromatic Adaptation Transform Performance

S. Süsstrunk; G. D. Finlayson 

2005. IS&T/SID 13th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2005. p. 75-78.

The Influence of Luminance on Local Tone Mapping

L. Meylan; S. Süsstrunk 

2005. IS&T/SID 13th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November. p. 276-282.

Linear demosaicing inspired by the human visual system

D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk; J. Hérault 

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2005. Vol. 14, num. 4, p. 439-449. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2004.841200.

Consistent image-based measurement and classification of skin color

M. Harville; H. Baker; N. Bhatti; S. Süsstrunk 

2005. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Genova, Italy, September 2005. p. 374-377. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2005.1530070.

Super-Resolution from Highly Undersampled Images

P. Vandewalle; L. Sbaiz; M. Vetterli; S. Süsstrunk 

2005. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Genova, Italy, September 2005. p. 889-892. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2005.1529894.

Configural and perceptual factors influencing the perception of color transparency

P. Gerardin / S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2005. 


Aliasing in Digital Cameras

D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk 

SPIE EI Newsletter, Special Issue on Smart Image Acquisition and Processing. 2004. Vol. 14, num. 12, p. 1,8.

Color image enhancement using a Retinex-based adaptive filter

L. Meylan; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. IS&T Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image, and Vision (CGIV 2004), Aachen, Germany, April 2004. p. 359-363.

Finding representatives in a large dataset of spectral reflectances

S. Borer; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. IS&T Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image, and Vision (CGIV 2004), Aachen, Germany, April 2004. p. 275-280.

Spatio-chromatic PCA of a mosaiced color image

D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. IS&T Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image, and Vision (CGIV 2004), Aachen, Germany, April 2004. p. 311-314.

Mapping colour in image stitching applications

D. Hasler; S. Süsstrunk 

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2004. Vol. 15, num. 12, p. 65-90. DOI : 10.1016/j.jvcir.2003.06.001.

Spatial frequency and lightness

N. Moroney; S. Süsstrunk 

2004.  p. 18-21.

Motion influences the Effects of Systematic Chromatic Changes

P. Gerardin; P. Roud; S. Süsstrunk; K. Knoblauch 

2004. IS&T Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV 2004), Aachen, Germany, April 2004. p. 46-50.

Spatio-chromatic ICA of a Mosaiced Color Image

D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. 5th International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2004), Granada, Spain, September 2004. p. 946-953. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-540-30110-3_119.

Visibility of noise in natural images

S. Winkler; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2004: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IX, San Jose, CA, January 2004. p. 121-129. DOI : 10.1117/12.526752.

Double resolution from a set of aliased images

P. Vandewalle; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

2004. < More Industry Events IS&T/SPIE 16th International Symposium Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, California, USA, 18-22 January 2004. p. 374-382. DOI : 10.1117/12.526478.

Color image quality on the Internet

S. Süsstrunk; S. Winkler 

2004. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2004: Internet Imaging V, San Jose, CA, January 2004. p. 118-131. DOI : 10.1117/12.537804.

Bio-inspired image enhancement for natural color images

L. Meylan; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2004: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV, San Jose, CA, January 2004. p. 46-56. DOI : 10.1117/12.526545.

Virtual Sensor Design

R. Costantini; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2004: Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography Applications V, San Jose, CA, January 2004. p. 408-419. DOI : 10.1117/12.525704.

A Measure For Spatial Dependency In Natural Stochastic Textures

R. Costantini; G. Menegaz; S. Süsstrunk 

2004. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, October 24-27, 2004. p. 1525-1528. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2004.1421355.

Eigenregions for Image Classification

C. Fredembach; M. Schröder; S. Süsstrunk 

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2004. Vol. 26, num. 12, p. 1645-1649. DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2004.123.

Chromatic contrast detection in spatial chromatic noise

G. Monaci; G. Menegaz; S. Süsstrunk; K. Knoblauch 

Visual Neuroscience. 2004. Vol. 21, num. 3, p. 291-294. DOI : 10.1017/S0952523804213311.


Spectral Bandwidths for the Detection of Colour within Random Colour Textures

G. Monaci; G. Menegaz; S. Süsstrunk; K. Knoblauch 

2003. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paris, France, p. 146.

Region-based image classification for automatic color correction

C. Fredembach; M. Schröder; S. Süsstrunk 

2003. IS&T/SID 11th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2003. p. 59-65.

Using colour to model outliers

D. Hasler; S. Süsstrunk 

2003. IS&T/SID 11th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2003. p. 107-114.

Influence of Spectral Sensitivity Functions on color demosaicing

D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk; J. Marguier 

2003. IS&T/SID 11th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2003. p. 351-357.

Modeling of 2D+1 texture movies for video coding

G. Menegaz; S. Valaeys; J. Reichel; F. Ziliani 

Image and Vision Computing. 2003. Vol. 21, num. 12, p. 49-59. DOI : 10.1016/S0262-8856(02)00132-4.

Measuring Colourfulness in Natural Images

D. Hasler; S. Süsstrunk 

2003. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2003: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII, San Jose, CA, January 2003. p. 87-95. DOI : 10.1117/12.477378.

Video quality evaluation for Internet streaming applications

S. Winkler; R. Campos 

2003.  p. 104-115. DOI : 10.1117/12.477766.

Study of Systematic Chromatic Changes in Color Space to Model Color Transparency

P. Gerardin; S. Süsstrunk; K. Knoblauch 

2003. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2003: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII, San Jose, CA, January 2003. p. 456-462. DOI : 10.1117/12.477776.

Video quality evaluation for mobile applications

S. Winkler; F. Dufaux 

2003. SPIE/IS&T Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, Lugano, Italy, July 8-11, 2003. p. 593-603. DOI : 10.1117/12.509910.

Superresolution images reconstructed from aliased images

P. Vandewalle; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

2003.  p. 1398-1405. DOI : 10.1117/12.506874.

Systematic Chromatic Changes underlying Color Transparency

P. Gerardin; S. Süsstrunk; K. Knoblauch 

2003. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception. p. 52.

Outlier modeling in image matching

D. Hasler; L. Sbaiz; S. Süsstrunk; M. Vetterli 

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2003. Vol. 25, num. 3, p. 301-315. DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2003.1182094.

3D encoding/2D decoding of medical data

G. Menegaz; J-P. Thiran 

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2003. Vol. 22, num. 3, p. 424-440. DOI : 10.1109/TMI.2003.809689.

New support vector algorithms for multicategorical data applied to real-time object recognition

S. Borer / W. Gerstner; S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2003. 


Managing colour in digital libraries

S. Süsstrunk 

Colour Engineering: Achieving Device Independent Colour; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2002. p. 1.

Modeling of Texture Movies for Video Coding

S. Valaeys; G. Menegaz; J. Reichel; F. Ziliani 

2002. ECCV First International Workshop on Generative-Model-Based Vision. p. 43-51.

Color Encodings for Image Databases

S. Süsstrunk 

2002. IS&T/SPIE’s Electronic Imaging: Internet Imaging III. p. 179-185. DOI : 10.1117/12.452684.

White-Point Independant RGB Primaries for Color Image Encoding

S. Süsstrunk; C. Fredembach; J. Holm; G. D. Finlayson 

2002. International Congress on Imaging Science (ICIS 2002), Tokyo, Japan, May 2002. p. 421-422.

Modeling the Opto-Electronic Conversion Function (OECF) for Application in the Stitching of Panoramic Images

D. Hasler; S. Süsstrunk 

2002. International Conference on Imaging Systems (ICIS). p. 379-380.

Color Ratios and Chromatic Adaptation

G. D. Finlayson; S. Süsstrunk 

2002. IS&T First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV 2002), Poitiers, France, April 2002. p. 7-10.

Optimization for Hue Constant RGB Sensors

G. D. Finlayson; S. Süsstrunk 

2002. IS&T/SID 10th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, November 2002. p. 343-348.

Opponent Color Space Motivated by Retinal Processing

S. Borer; S. Süsstrunk 

2002. IS&T First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV). p. 187-189.

On Adaptive Non-Linarity for Color Discrimination and Chromatic Adaptation

D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk 

2002. IS&T First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV). p. 190-195.

Color Demosaicing by Estimating Luminance and Opponent Chromatic Signals in the Fourier Domain

D. Alleysson; S. Süsstrunk; J. Hérault 

2002. IS&T/SID 10th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, Nov. 2002. p. 331-336.

Modeling 2D+1 Textures

G. Menegaz; S. Valaeys 

2002. 24th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics: Coherent States, Wavelets and Applications. p. 943-948.

3D/2D object-based coding of head MRI data

G. Menegaz; L. Grewe 

2002.  p. 181-184. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2002.1037989.

Lossy to lossless object-based coding of 3-D MRI data

G. Menegaz; J-P. Thiran 

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2002. Vol. 11, num. 9, p. 1053-1061. DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2002.802525.

Perspectives on panoramic photography

D. Hasler / M. Vetterli; S. Süsstrunk (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2002. 


Masking models and watermark undetection

A. Robert; J. Picard 

2001. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2001: Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. p. 455-467. DOI : 10.1117/12.435429.

Chromatic adaptation performance of different RGB sensors

S. Süsstrunk; J. Holm; G. D. Finlayson 

2001. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2001: Color Imaging, San Jose, CA, January 2001. p. 172-183. DOI : 10.1117/12.410788.

Color Strategies for Image Databases

S. Süsstrunk 

2001. 9th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2002). p. 529-536. DOI : 10.1117/12.464633.

Color Handling in Panoramic Photography

D. Hasler; S. Süsstrunk 

2001. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2001: Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3D Shape Measurement. p. 62-72. DOI : 10.1117/12.410897.

Spherical Sampling and Color Transformations

G. D. Finlayson; S. Süsstrunk 

2001. IS&T/SID 9th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2001. p. 321-325.

DWT-Based Non-Parametric Texture Modeling

G. Menegaz 

2001. International Conference on Image Processing. p. 173-176. DOI : 10.1109/ICIP.2001.958981.


Dectection theory and multimedia watermarking

A. Robert; R. Knopp 

2000. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2000: Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. p. 14-23. DOI : 10.1117/12.384974.

Spectral Sharpening and the Bradford Transform

G. D. Finlayson; S. Süsstrunk 

2000. Color Imaging Symposium (CIS 2000), Derby, UK, 2000. p. 236-243.

Performance of a Chromatic Adaptation Transform Based on Spectral Sharpening

G. D. Finlayson; S. Süsstrunk 

2000. IS&T/SID 8th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2002. p. 49-55.

Digital Photography – How Long Will It Last

F. Frey; S. Süsstrunk 

2000. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. p. 113-116. DOI : 10.1109/ISCAS.2000.857376.


Standard RGB Color Spaces

S. Süsstrunk; R. Buckley; S. Swen 

1999. IS&T/SID 7th Color Imaging Conference, 1999. p. 127-134.


Agitation, developing (second author: J. Holm), fixing, and washers and washing

S. Süsstrunk 

Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, 3rd Ed.; Focal Press, 1996. p. 19-21,207-212,310-313,861-864.