Clément Fredembach received the MERL Best Student Paper Award for our paper Colouring the Near-Infrared, presented at the IS&T/SID 16th Color Imaging Conference in Portland, OR, USA. (Nov 08)

We presented three papers at the IS&T/SID 16th Color Imaging Conference in Portland, OR, USA. (Nov 08)

Sabine Süsstrunk gave an invited talk at A World of Colors: From Gabriel Lippmann to Nanophotonics, a Symposium to commemorate the Nobel prize attributed to Gabriel Lippmann in 1908, in Paris, France. (Oct 08)

Sheila S. Hemami joined us for her sabbatical from Cornell University’s Visual Communications Lab. (Sep 08 to Feb 09)

Radhakrishna Achanta‘s Text Detection and Recognition code has been incorporated into Image Cerberus, a SpamAssassin plug-in against image spam. (Sep 08)

Daniel Tamburrino is doing an internship at Sharp Laboratories of America, Vancouver, WA, USA. (Jul 08 to Sep 08)

Joanna Marguier is doing an internship at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, USA. (Jul 08 to Aug 08)

Sabine Süsstrunk was elected Senior Member of the Society of Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T). (Jun 08)

Sabine Süsstrunk gave a keynote at CGIV 2008: IS&T’s Fourth European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision in Terrassa, Spain. (Jun 08)