January 2021 Newsletter

We at the EPFL postdoc association (EPDA) wish you a wonderful year 2021.

2020 was a challenging year for everyone, but besides all negative aspects we have seen again that our efforts in science are the best way to tackle challenges in our days. With this monthly newsletter, we want to inform you about our current and future activities and career opportunities 

Election new Board

In December Jamshid and Oksana invited for the annual General Assembly of the association and the new board was elected:

  • Fabian Schneider, as president
  • Sanjin Marion as vice-president
  • Charlotte Gehin as treasurer

Together we want to continue the successful transition work to represent all postdocs of EPFL and to pursue the best work and life conditions for our fellows.

Our focus for the first months 2021 is to offer internal training focused on management and institutional work. This will allow us to strengthen the capabilities of the EPDA to provide the best help for postdocs at EPFL. We would be delighted to see all of you joining the association and our events.

Future events

January 27th 

  • Manuscript writing workshop
  • EPDA Committee meeting at 4pm


  • CV workshop


  • Linkedin workshop

The pandemic situation is restricting our activities mostly online, but as soon as we can get back to physical gatherings we will invite all of you to social events within our community.

New Well-being officer

We welcome Anita Nasrallah (SV) as a well-being officer at EPDA. Anita will start a support center for EPFL postdocs.   Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to take part in this endeavour.

Harassment and inclusiveness Task Force

A Task Force has been set up by the Vice-presidency for Responsible Transformation (VPT) at EPFL that aims to ensure high standards in prevention and addressing issues of harassment and ensure a culture of respect and inclusiveness at EPFL. This Task Force is looking for EPDA members to eventually join a working group in the near future. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested.