Student Project Reports 2025 Impact of Simple Parameters on Fibre Diameter in Melt Electrowriting (MEW)E. H-L. H. Fock-Chin-Ming 2025. Detailed record Fused Deposition Modelling and Melt Electrowriting of Metallic TubesM. Mekki Berrada 2025. Detailed record 2024 Development of core-shell lipid microneedles for sublingual deliveryB. T. M. Vignon 2024. Detailed record Melt Electro-Writing for Wound Repair and Drug Delivery with Lipid MediumO. Gubelmann 2024. Detailed record Designing of Bridges on Stencils: Calculation and SimulationM. Oulare 2024. Detailed record Semester Project Report (2024 Spring) Grayscale thermal scanning probe lithography in photonic applicationsL. Chang 2024. Detailed record 2023 Melt Electrowriting ReportA. Zedgitt 2023. Detailed record Fabrication and Characterization of Lipid Sublingual Drug Delivery DeviceN. Zaugg 2023. Detailed record Nanoimprint stamp fabrication by combination of T-SPL and dry etchingG. Pellerin 2023. Detailed record Designing Mixed Reality Experiences for Microfabrication TrainingM. Cemes 2023. Detailed record Grayscale Nanopatterning by Thermal Scanning Probe Lithographyleonardo cele 2023. Detailed record 2022 Fabrication of Lipid Microstructure for Oral Drug Delivery DeviceA. Duret 2022. Detailed record Ion Implantation for Single Dopant Based Quantum HardwareMehmet Kuzey Aydin 2022. Detailed record Nanofabrication of hard mask for single dopant-based quantum hardwareDamien Bertrand 2022. Detailed record Melt Electrowriting of Lipids for drug deliveryH. Calamandrei 2022. Detailed record Liquid encapsulated drug delivery device for acoustically-controlled releaseL. Lacoume 2022. Detailed record Developing Melt Electrowriting on an Open-Source Fused Filament Fabrication PlatformT. Kangur 2022. Detailed record 2021 Thermal scanning probe lithography for 2D material-based gas sensingB. Erbas 2021. Detailed record Fabrication of biocompatible metallic structures on biodegradable polymer films by stencil lithographyL. Cacheur 2021. Detailed record Optimization of MEW instrument components and their assemblyJ. Mao 2021. Detailed record 2D material-based gas sensing deviceE. Gajo 2021. Detailed record PDC microfabrication through KOH-etched Si mould castingD. Di Stadio 2021. Detailed record Capillary assisted particle assembly for high aspect ratio nanorodsB. Leis 2021. Detailed record Experimental study of the strain patterned in 2D materials using thermal nanoimprint lithographyJ. Lemonde 2021. Detailed record Hierarchical Micromold Structuring via 2PP Micro-StereolithographyH-Y. Lee 2021. Detailed record 2020 Microfabrication on bioresorbable materialsA. Poidevin 2020. Detailed record Review of Liquid-Solid Triboelectric GeneratorS-L. Wang 2020. Detailed record Part I. Effect of plasticizer on the sensing performance of inkjet-printed PVP/CB composite Part II. Nanostructuring of 2D materials for improved gas sensing performanceN. Cai 2020. Detailed record Review on Crystallization and Phase Change of Low-Dimensional Materials Using Thermal ProbesF. Hartmann 2020. Detailed record Simulation of silicon KOH and dry etching methods for micromould fabricationL. Tribolet 2020. Detailed record Immobilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes by dielectrophoresis using a microfluidic channelP. Mosser 2020. Detailed record 3D-Architecture Triboelectric Generator Using Deformable Liquid MetalJ. Shichao 2020. Detailed record Cost-Effective Shape Memory Stamp for Laser Induced-Forward Transfer (LIFT)W. Cui 2020. Detailed record Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography for low dimensional materialsL. Rüegg 2020. Detailed record Studying the interactions between electro-magnetic elds and biological tissueL. Kolly 2020. Detailed record 2019 Molding of Biodegradable Polymers for Drug Delivery ApplicationsT. TURNER 2019. Detailed record Optimization of the Bosch process for micro-mold fabricationS. Stettler 2019. Detailed record Integration of functionalization layers on lab-on-skin platform by inkjet printingJ. Englert 2019. Detailed record FEM Modelisation of membrane deformationA. Jordan 2019. Detailed record Fabrication of 2D micro-lens arrays for moiré applicationsM. Kaeppeli 2019. Detailed record Inkjet printing of polymer composites for gas sensing applicationsC-T. Coen 2019. Detailed record Identifying suitable drugs for inkjet printingE. Richard 2019. Detailed record Biodegradable polymer for drug delivery applicationsP. Donzier 2019. Detailed record Data logger for vacuum desiccatorÉ. Clément 2019. Detailed record Process optimization for thick SU-8 micro mold fabricationJ. Oswald 2019. Detailed record 2018 Edge-contacted graphene with slope engineering by stencil lithographyR. Farzad 2018. Detailed record Fabrication of Biodegradable MembraneR. Zhang 2018. Detailed record Electronics for integrated oscillators phase noise characterizationL. Frehner 2018. Detailed record Electromechanical behavior of stencil-lithography-fabricated biocompatible gold contacts on PDMS substratesK-T. Ho 2018. Detailed record Characterization of Biodegradable Magnesium ResonatorsR. Blum 2018. Detailed record 2017 Micro-molding of biodegradable polymer for drug delivery applicationsG. Feuvray 2017. Detailed record Nanoparticle Manipulation with an AFM ProbeP. Oberholzer 2017. Detailed record 2016 Capillary assembly of nanoparticles Diamonds in antennas & durable Ag samplesB. Ghadiani 2016. Detailed record Evaluation of thermal scanning probe lithography patternsV. PARATTE 2016. Detailed record Fabrication d’antennes plasmoniques pour mesurer au TEML. Conti 2016. Detailed record 2015 AFM Tips for Measurements and Manipulation of Fluid InterfacesM. J. I. Airaghi Leccardi 2015. Detailed record DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF AFM TIPS FOR TENSIONS MEASUREMENT AND MANIPULATION OF FLUID INTERFACESM. J. I. Airaghi Leccardi 2015. Detailed record Fabrication and Replication of Microlens Arrays for Confocal MicroscopyM. Neuenschwander 2015. Detailed record Investigation of liquid pinning on surface nanoscale topographyY. Mottas 2015. Detailed record 2014 Nanoparticle assembly : scalable process development from nanoscale molding to hardware/software implementationK. Müller 2014. Detailed record Microfluidic cell trapping structures for single-cell experimentsB. Desbiolles 2014. Detailed record Capillary particle assembly (CAPA) for plasmonic devicesE. Shahrabi 2014. Detailed record 2013 Fabrication of transparent moiré based optically variable devicesT. Besson 2013. Detailed record Study, design and testing of cryogenic electronics for EPR spectroscopyP. O. Paccaud 2013. Detailed record Design iterations on Lego R – like MEMS bricksT. Cieslewski 2013. Detailed record Reconfigurable MEMS modules for 2D (self-)assemblyC. Gabry 2013. Detailed record 2012 High Aspect Ratio MicrostructuresJ. Béguin 2012. Detailed record Miniaturized Ag/AgCl electrodes made by inkjet printingL. Hartman Paolillo Cendon 2012. Detailed record Heated membranes for stencil lithography applicationS. Boujnah 2012. Detailed record Nano-channel fabrication by electrostatic inkjet printing for the study of proton conductivityV. Flauraud 2012. Detailed record Fabrication & Characterization of Thermally Actuated MEMSM. Raad 2012. Detailed record Atomic Force Measurements of Hydrophobic InteractionsJ. Perroset 2012. Detailed record Simulation of Optical NanostructuresN. Besse 2012. Detailed record Modélisation du comportement non-linéaire des spins électroniques couplés à un oscillateur électriqueR. Lisowski 2012. Detailed record 2011 Inkjet printing of SU-8 based superparamagnetic compositeM. A. FREIDY 2011. Detailed record Coating high aspect-ratio channels of multi-aperture vision sensor using Micromoulding in Capillaries (MIMIC)G. Safar 2011. Detailed record 3D cell-cages for cell micro-environment engineeringP. Biro 2011. Detailed record Fabrication and characterization of Silicon Carbide nanostencilsC. OUGIER SIMONIN 2011. Detailed record Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes for supercapacitor and the effect of surface functionalization to its performanceM. Guittet 2011. Detailed record Magnetic Nano-particles for Self-assembly in LiquidJ. Chen 2011. Detailed record Dynamic stencil lithography on flexible substrates on full wafer scaleO. Peric 2011. Detailed record 2010 Stress Engineered Thin Films For Life Science ApplicationsP. M. Sabat 2010. Detailed record Design and characterization of low aspectratio nanopore arraysL. Coulot 2010. Detailed record 2009 Mechanical Hydrogen SensingJ. G. Henriksson 2009. Detailed record 2006 Dynamic Stencil LithographyH-C. Schneider 2006. Detailed record Fabrication and characterisation of ultrasensitive monocrystalline silicon cantilevers with integrated magnetic tipsA. Dysli 2006. Detailed record Small AFM cantilevers for biological applicationsA. Gangadharaiah 2006. Detailed record Integrated Micro Hall Sensor on SU-8 CantileverC. Imboden 2006. Detailed record Realization and characterization of magnetic multilayer for MFM tipsL. Schmid 2006. Detailed record 2005 Deformation in thin SiN membranes due to residual stressesB. van Schaik 2005. Detailed record Deposition on Curved Surfaces by Means of E-Beam EvaporationC. Imboden 2005. Detailed record Dynamic Stencil DepositionH-C. Schneider 2005. Detailed record Micro-Four-Point probe based on SU-8 cantileversS. Keller 2005. Detailed record 2004 Fabrication and characterization of metal nanolevers made by shadow mask technologyD. Grogg 2004. Detailed record Polymer structuring by inkjet printing technology / Micro heating arrays with tungstenS. Jung 2004. Detailed record Fabrication of solid-state Nanopores for DNA analysisM. Volatier 2004. Detailed record