High-precision micro-manufacturing of ceramics
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PI: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brugger
Project start: 1st July 2017
Project duration: 48 months
SFA website: http://www.sfa-am.ch/ceramic-x0.html
Project team (leaders):
- Prof. Dr. Christophe Moser, Laboratory of Applied Photonic Devices, EPF Lausanne
- Prof. Dr. Demetri Psaltis, Optics Laboratory, EPF Lausanne
- Dr. Gurdial Blugan, Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics, Empa
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Maniura, Laboratory for Biointerfaces, Empa
- Prof. Dr. Helena Van Swygenhoven, Photons for Engineering and Manufacturing Group, PSI
Project team (LMIS1):
- Dr. Pierrick Clément
- Lorenz Hagelüken
Engineered ceramic materials have found widespread use in various industrial applications due to their unique properties. However, it is difficult if not impossible to produce micron-scale high-precision ceramic components with current manufacturing techniques.
The main aim of this project is thus to develop novel micro-manufacturing techniques for high-precision, ceramic components based on polymer-derived ceramics (PDC). Furthermore, novel PDC materials will be evaluated for their in vitro biocompatibility as dental implants as well as pacemaker electrodes.
Scope of Research Activities
- Development of polymer-derived ceramics (PDC) materials suitable for micro-casting
- Development of processes and devices to …
- Manufacture micro-molds,
- Fill preceramic polymers (PCPs) into these micro-molds (micro-casting) and
- Transform the material into PDC micro-parts by pyrolysis
- Characterization of the ceramic micro-parts regarding in vitro biocompatibility as…
- Dental implants
- Pacemaker electrodes
Key Technical Problems to Solve
- Increase the achievable precision of the ceramic micro-parts.
- Find ways to overcome current issues in the manufacturing of high precision ceramics due to shrinkage.
- Define PDC compositions leading to bright colored implant materials.
- Develop a suitable 3D in vitro model and setup with electrical pacing capabilities to study the fibrotic encapsulation of PDC implant materials.
- High precision watch parts
- Dental implants
- Implantable (e.g. pacemaker) electrodes

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