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Thinking ahead The world is radically changing, and so are the various forms of mobility. The FORUM wants to understandthe whys and hows of this change and their impact on spaces, as well as devise novel courses of action for citizens, elected officials and transportation operators.
A steering committee as a research seminar The FORUM has created a steering committee comprised of individuals with diverse experiences and backgrounds, including researchers in the humanities, economics and social sciences from France and abroad, intellectuals, artists, photographers, writers, entrepreneurs and SNCF employees. Presided over by Vincent Kaufmann, professor of urban sociology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and mobilities expert, this committee will serve as a veritable research seminar
Original strategies for distinct viewpoints From the FORUM new alliances between academic research and artistic sensibility will be forged, combiningreason, emotion and imagination to generate new knowledge. The FORUM wants to invent an original strategy that will bring together the perspectives of researchers, users, professionals and artists and also draw on international comparisons and experiences.
Bringing discussion and experimentation to the people The MOBILE LIVES FORUM will address and make public the most vigorous debates and controversies, develop research and forecasting, spread and utilize knowledge and initiate experimentation, especially among the SNCF and its partners. The MOBILE LIVES FORUM plans to share these mobility issues and common points of references with different target audiences.
MOBILE LIVES FORUM: first themes Living mobility. Understanding how people move and experience travel time, how travel rhythms come to be and how speed and slowness combine to create a love of or distaste for moving. Defining spaces. Understanding and defining geographical spaces, how we see them (between physical and virtual), how they are fragmented by flows, connections, access and public spaces, analyzing the coexistence of local and global, renewed appreciation for the local and the peri-urban question. Mobilities and their imaginaries. Forecasting the SNCF’s future, exploring the imaginaries of railways in France and around the world. Identifying the common place of mobility, decoding them and creating new mythologies. Mobility schools. Identifying the skills and abilities needed to lead a mobile life and the devices that will help users learn.
MOBILE LIVES FORUM: early achievements Les premières réalisations de FORUM VIES MOBILES MOBILE/IMMOBILE, a bilingual book on the right to mobility in 2030, brings together the viewpoints of 40 international researchers and artists from the worlds of architecture, photography, comics and the fine arts. The first meetings took place May 26 and 27 at the Maison Rouge. These “theories and controversies on the mobility of tomorrow” brought together 110 researchers and professionals from the world of transportation to debate on topics such as coming into mobility, attachment to the car and mobility systems in 2030. President Guillaume Pepy said, “Travel has always benefited from technological advances; the train, car and plane have gradually and overwhelmingly increased our travel possibilities and changed our lives, cities and spaces in which we live. Today there is no doubt that we have entered into a period of widespread restructuring of transportation systems, lifestyles and spaces. These changes interest the international mobility group that is SNCF today” |