
Different urban housing complexes in Zurich © Karsten Füllhaas 2023 Unsplash

Inadequate distribution of residential space in Switzerland

— Gian-Luca Lardi, President of the Swiss Contractors' Association, recently pointed out the uneven distribution of living space in Switzerland. Interview with Luca Pattaroni, Professor at the Urban Sociology Laboratory at EPFL.

Father with children © Juliane Liebermann 2018 Unsplash

Consequences of a declining population

— Declining demographics are reducing the number of cousins, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. There will also be fewer young people in the future and more elderly people. It's a real upheaval that's taking place. Luca Pattaroni, professor in the Urban Sociology Laboratory at EPFL, talks to RTS about this issue.

Bern, Switzerland © James Padolsey 2017 Unsplash

The view of a specialist and an ordinary resident

— The book "La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug)", published by EPFL Press, paints a "portrait in 12 towns" of urban Switzerland, far from the metropolises. It presents a lively and diverse urban fabric that even questions the notion of size. The work was supervised by the Urban Sociology Laboratory (LaSUR) at EPFL.

Interlaken, Switzerland © Alex Ghizila 2020 Unsplash

Urban Switzerland is a network of small towns

— "The book 'La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug), Portrait en 12 villes', published by EPFL Press, offers an innovative perspective by focusing on cities that are often neglected by traditional urban studies. Spearheaded by EPFL's Urban Sociology Laboratory (LaSUR), the book presents a vision of urban Switzerland through the eyes of social science researchers, who are both specialists and citizens. It was presented in Payerne.

Loneliness © Pawel Czerwinski 2021 Unsplash

The question of loneliness

— In Switzerland, the Federal Statistical Office estimated in 2017 that 38% of the population aged 15 and over felt lonely. A phenomenon that can lead to mental health problems. Luca Pattaroni, professor at the Urban Sociology Laboratory, has his say on the subject.

Tunnel © Ricardo Gomez Angel 2018 Unsplash

The Ceneri tunnel makes the difference

— The "Corriere del Ticino" reports on the evolution of mobility in Ticino, particularly following the opening of the Ceneri base tunnel in 2020. Vincent Kaufmann, professor at the Laboratory of Urban Sociology, is interviewed.

Zurich, Switzerland © Janesca 2022 Unsplash

City life in Switzerland

— In "Le Courrier", Renate Albrecher and Max Felder, researchers at EPFL's Urban Sociology Laboratory, reflect on the evolution of urban living in Switzerland.

Streets of Geneva, Switzerland © Henry Mwenge 2018 Unsplash

For lively ground floors

— Rethinking the layout and use of ground floors is a solution to bringing life back into neighborhoods. “La Tribune de Genève” devotes an article to this subject and gives the floor to Luca Pattaroni, researcher at the EPFL Urban Sociology Laboratory.

Geneva © Michal Dolnik 2019 Unsplash

The feeling of attachment to Greater Geneva varies with distance

— Luca Pattaroni and Guillaume Drevon, from Urban Sociology Laboratory of EPFL, carried out research which shows that the feeling of attachment to the region is weaker in the French and Vaudois parts of Greater Geneva than in the Geneva part. They specify that we find similar dispersions in the Franco-Belgian cross-border agglomeration of Lille and in that of the Franco-Spanish Basque Country.

Regent Street, London, UK © Samuel Pollard 2019 Unsplash

The secrets of road safety in the UK

— Britain's roads are renowned among the safest in the world. What are the key factors behind this low accident rate? Tiphaine Robert, scientific collaborator at the Urban Sociology Laboratory, was on the TV5 Monde set to talk about it.

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