EPFL – LENOVO Mentoring Program

LENOVO offers a mentoring programme for female EPFL students to learn about careers in IT industry. The second edition of this mentoring programme will take place between December 2023 and May 2024.

You qualify for applying for this program if you are an EPFL Female Master student.

Below you’ll find information about mentoring and the program itself.

All candidates will have to fill in the application form. Maximum 10 mentees will be selected; 
The assessment of acceptance of your application will be based on the quality and completeness of the application, your motivation and expectations.

In case of the LENOVO mentoring project, it is a relationship between two people. You, a mentee, and your mentor, a professional (woman or man) from partnership company Lenovo.

In this mentoring program the mentor shares her/his experiences in IT industry with the mentee. The goal of a mentoring relationship is to empower and support the mentee in developing her career and in coping with upcoming career steps.

Mentoring program is soft-skill oriented and aim to help you better navigate in your future career in IT companies or business in general.

A person who can inspire you, encourage you, connect you, open up new possibilities and show a different point of view on life and the situations it brings. Having a mentor is a great way to absorb wisdom from those ahead of you, those who have traveled a similar path before.

The mentor will provide you with support and advice on career related issues like networking, career planning, work-life balance, career and family issues, funding questions etc.
Scientific questions are not in the core.

The mentor will share knowledge and experience with you, which you will be able to apply in your student life and future professional life.

You can hardly give feedback to yourself… The mentor will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses and can play a decisive role in your further professional direction.

Life, even professional life, is about creating communities and contacts. Thanks to a mentor from a professional environment, you will expand yours. It can be a network of contacts that can play an important role in your future career.

Do you need advice? Turn to your mentor. She or he will advise you or guide you to the best solution. She/he is here for you, so you can contact her/him at any time. The mentor will be your support even in moments when you will have to take a risk. It will help you build your self-confidence.

Mistakes in school, business, or any other professional career are inevitable. From past experiences and stories of your mentor you can learn and avoid similar tough situations in the future..

  1. A kick-off /pairing meeting will be organised on EPFL campus on Friday, November 24 from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm to launch the program.
  2. A closing event will be organised on EPFL campus on Friday, May, 31 from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm.

Participation to both these events is mandatory for selected mentees. 

A light lunch will be provided on both occasions.

EPFL-LENOVO Mentoring guidelines can be downloaded here