Social Life

PolyDoc Apéros

PolyDoc organizes monthly gatherings around some drinks and food, generously supported by the EPFL Doctoral School.

It is a great opportunity to gather the PhD community around some snacks and drinks, irrespective of faculty origin. Take advantage of this event and join us for the next apéro!

More information on the date and place of the next apéro is provided directly in our memento, integrated on our home webpage and on our Facebook page. We also send an email out to all PhDs announcing every apéro.

Associations for PhDs

A lot of associations exist at EPFL for the PhD students to meet new people and try new activities. If you would like to add an association to this list, just send us an email at [email protected]!

PhD Programs Associations

  • ADSV – The Life Sciences PhD Students Association represents and defends the interests of PhD students in Life Sciences and supports them throughout their thesis by helping them integrate in the School of Life Sciences and by promoting networking through social and scientific events.
  • EPIC –  Organizing social and educational events to build a strong and connected community of I&C graduate students.
  • Polyphys – The Polyphys association intends to foster the interaction, learning and development among equally Physics-enthusiastic people from local community by organizing monthly events, with a particular focus on the Physics PhD students.
    It is also involved in different activities aimed towards the EPFL Physics community, such as the EPFL Physics Day.
  • QED – Mathematics PhD student association, commission of CQFD. QED organizes social events within the department and is responsible for the academic representation at the section level and with the doctoral school.

All researchers

ACIDE – Association of Research Scientists and Lecturers at EPFL

Satellite, your bar @ EPFL

Satellite a.k.a “Sat” is the bar of EPFL. Its team is made up of student volunteers, which organize various activities, such as concerts, coffee-theater sessions (café théatre), board/card games nights (soirées ludiques), or jam sessions.

The calendar of events organized by Sat can be found directly on their webpage.

The list of upcoming concerts can be found here.

Interesting events outside of EPFL

There are plenty of festivals and other events taking place around Lausanne and Switzerland in general. Here are two links through which you can find out about upcoming events:

Events in Lausanne

Events in Switzerland

Please do not hesitate to share about other events you may find relevant to the PhD community, either by mail or in our WishBox on the right column.