The core component of AFM is the cantilever. In the cleanroom facilities of EPFL (CMI), we micro-fabricate various types of cantilevers, using both classical and original techniques. Our devices range from polymer cantilevers with low Q-factors to very small bimorphs with high resonant frequencies, and even devices with integrated actuators and deflection sensors. We recently developed a whole new fabrication technique that we call hybrid MEMS and that can be used for a variety of devices.

Hybrid MEMS
We have developed a new MEMS fabrication process based on a hybrid structure. It can be used for various types of devices and allows the integration of sensors and actuators. In addition, it is fully fluid compatible.

SU8 Cantilevers
We showed that high-speed AFM imaging in air can be be achieved by changing the cantilever material from silicon or silicon nitride to polymers. Our fabrication process includes wear-resistant silicon nitride tips.

Photothermal Bimorph Cantilevers
Coming soon!