In-situ microscopy as a tool for the development of new materials, more efficient energy storage systems, and semiconductor devices.
Project No.: FW10010168
This project is co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic within the TREND Program. This project was funded as part of the National Recovery Plan from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility.
The main goal is to develop and commercialize a new generation of AFM accessories for electron microscopes, thereby significantly increasing their use for comprehensive in-situ characterization of new materials, energy storage technologies, and in the semiconductor industry.

We have received funding from the European Research Council for the project called: NaMic – Nanowire Atomic Force Microscopy for Real Time Imaging of Nanoscale Biological Processes (2012-2017) (#307338) and for the project called: InCell – High speed AFM imaging of molecular processes inside living cells (2018-2023) (#773091)

We have received funding from the European Commission – FP7: Eurostar for the project called: Triple-S: Combined Scanning Electron-, Scanning Ion- and High-Speed Scanning Atomic Force Microscope (2014-2016)

We have received funding from CCMX Competence Centre for Materials Science and Technolog for the project called: Large Area Growth of 2D Materials for device integration “Materials Challenge” (2016-2021)

We have received funding from CTI – Commission for Technology and Innovation for the project: AFM based fast Scanning Ion Conductance imaging of biological samples (2016-2019)

We have received funding from FNS – Fonds National Suisse for the project: Measuring the interaction of antimicrobial peptides with bacterial cell surfaces in real time (2010-2013) (#205321_134786) and for the project: Large-scale microfluidic cell trapping for high-throughput microbial nanocharacterization (2013-2016) (#205320_152675) and for the project: Video-Rate Nanomechanical Properties Mapping using Atomic Force Microscopy (2019-2022) (#200021_182562)