The campus has several exhibition spaces dedicated to the Art/Science dialogue, architecture, the History of Information Technology and scientific instruments.
EPFL also holds a collection of 224 old scientific instruments dating from 1775 to 1960 that can be seen in the Cubotron building of the UNIL.
Sculptures by artists, sometimes gigantic, are also part of the campus’ architecture and history.
Exhibitions and events actors:

EPFL Pavilions
EPFL Pavilions is structured around three spaces dedicated to the enhancement, through technology, of a scientific, historical and cultural heritage.

Archizoom is an exchange platform for exhibitions and public conferences on architecture.

Archives de la construction moderne
The Archives de la Construction Moderne is the most important collection of architectural drawings in French-speaking Switzerland for research, teaching and scientific dissemination.

CDH culture
The CDH culture program consists of music, dance, performance art and modern art all over the EPFL campus.

Musée Bolo
The Musée Bolo preserves many witnesses of the history of Swiss IT, including those designed at EPFL.
Special exhibitions:

Collection of scientific instruments
EPFL has a collection of scientific instruments dating from 1775 to 1960. Demonstrations and lectures are organized around these objects.

The first EPFL buildings
The exhibition “The first EPFL buildings” takes the form of a series of kiosks scattered on the upper terraces of the school’s first buildings, as well as a virtual counterpart composed of Internet pages accessible by QR code.