Since 1969, EPFL PTMH is a center of scientific excellence in research and development of hydraulic machines, specializing in perfomance validation, hydrodynamics, cavitation, hydro acoustics, numerical simulations and advanced measurement techniques.
PTMH focuses its activities around three major fields:

Teaching activities to provide an education of highest quality to engineering students in the field of hydrodynamics applied to hydraulic machines and systems.

Specializing in performance validation, hydrodynamics, cavitation, hydro acoustics, numerical simulation and advanced instrumentation.

Lab Testing and Consulting Services
Experimental validations, according to IEC 60193, of reduced scale models for new hydropower projects or for turbine refurbishments. Independant expertise and On-site measurements.

Clean Energy
Registration for the Short Course on Hydraulic Machines Engineering on September 1-5, 2025 is now open.