Modern City and Contemporary City Facing the Transition
The 90th anniversary of La Sarraz Declaration would have gone unnoticed if Bernardo Secchi were still with us. Not because of nostalgia, and not to pro-long a battle against an enemy to be definitively destroyed. Rather, it is an occasion for critical reflection on the distances, the inadequacies, the abuses, or on the contrary, the trajectories and continuities between the Modern City and the Contemporary City that remain open in a time of ecological, economic and social transition. In view of this foundational moment for the 20th century avant-gardes, the Working Seminar intends to focus on our own transition characterised by what Bernardo Secchi ten years ago described as an “absence of clear and integral vision of the urban future, leading to incoherent choices regarding new design projects”: the context in which issues of ecological compatibility, sustainability and resilience oblige architects, planners and stakeholders to question anew the main principles of contemporary design.
Modern City and Contemporary City Facing the Transition (2018) The 90th anniversary of La Sarraz Declaration would have gone unnoticed if Bernardo Secchi were still with us. Not because of nostalgia, and not to pro-long a battle against an enemy to be definitively destroyed. Rather, it is an occasion for critical reflection on the distances, the inadequacies, the abuses, or on the contrary, the trajectories and continuities between the Modern City and the Contemporary City that remain open in a time of ecological, economic and social transition. In view of this foundational moment for the 20th century avant-gardes, the Working Seminar intends to focus on our own transition characterised by what Bernardo Secchi ten years ago described as an “absence of clear and integral vision of the urban future, leading to incoherent choices regarding new design projects”: the context in which issues of ecological compatibility, sustainability and resilience oblige architects, planners and stakeholders to question anew the main principles of contemporary design.
Modern City and Contemporary City Facing the Transition (2018) The 90th anniversary of La Sarraz Declaration would have gone unnoticed if Bernardo Secchi were still with us. Not because of nostalgia, and not to pro-long a battle against an enemy to be definitively destroyed. Rather, it is an occasion for critical reflection on the distances, the inadequacies, the abuses, or on the contrary, the trajectories and continuities between the Modern City and the Contemporary City that remain open in a time of ecological, economic and social transition. In view of this foundational moment for the 20th century avant-gardes, the Working Seminar intends to focus on our own transition characterised by what Bernardo Secchi ten years ago described as an “absence of clear and integral vision of the urban future, leading to incoherent choices regarding new design projects”: the context in which issues of ecological compatibility, sustainability and resilience oblige architects, planners and stakeholders to question anew the main principles of contemporary design.