BB Data Demo

This project is an excellent opportunity to adapt and test the BBDATA
platform to the needs of smart living lab researchers and building professionals. In particular, the project will make it possible to verify that it complies with the needs of the future smart living lab building. Building evaluations and analyses after commissioning are an important differentiation factor for the smart living lab. Having a data
storage, visualization and processing platform such as BBDATA is essential in this context.
At market level, the Internet of objects and “connected buildings” are widely mentioned, but in reality, interoperability and openness of systems is still largely insufficient. Thanks to the BBDATA DEMO project, the smart living lab will provide its partners with an innovative and scalable platform, integrating the latest developments in the ICT field.
For further details, see publications below
Energy Institute, HEIA-FR
Human-IST, University of Fribourg
smart living lab – Fribourg – Switzerland