Project description

We have designed hardware for modular robot units called Yamor (Yet another Modular Robot). The aim of the project is to create robot units that can rapidly be attached to each other in order to create arbitrary multi-unit robot structures. We are interested in developing adaptive algorithms that use local interactions rules between units in order to optimize the global behavior of the multi-unit structure.

Yamor units have the following characteristics:

  1. each unit is autonomous in terms of power, sensing, actuation, and computing,
  2. they are driven by heavy-duty servos such that one unit can lift up to 3 others,
  3. they communicate via BlueTooth (i.e. no need for electrical connections between units),
  4. they are equiped with an FPGA and/or ARM processors for providing flexible computational power,
  5. they can be attached and detached manually from each other by a screw-and-pin system in multiple ways, which allows us to create different robot configuations.

The unit are designed to be of general-purpose. One particular control scheme we are interested in is to control the locomotion of the units by systems of coupled nonlinear oscillators.

Robot design

YaMoR module unit YaMoR module unit

Student projects adaptive locomotion Yamor

Student projects adaptive locomotion

People involved

Alexander Sproewitz, Rico Moeckel, André Guignard, André Badertscher, Auke Ijspeert

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