Three walking days

We will walk in the nearby beauty of the canton of Vaud. Cross a field, follow a river, climb a hill, walk through a forest. Open your eyes and be amazed!
Walking with others to share on the way and at rest stops. A few questions to ask each other to make the experience even more interesting will be proposed; the theme will be: “Where I come from, where I am, where I am going”.

Departure in the morning of Friday 14 July with a bag and a few things (a list of things needed will be sent when the time comes). Return on Sunday 16 July in the evening, tired but happy.

The two nights will be spent in rooms and/or camping. (But we’ll make sure we don’t need to carry tents).

To register, please fill in this form here

Price: 80 Frs, to be paid in advance, or contact us to give it in person ([email protected]). (If there is a problem with this amount, please let us know and we can find a solution)

IBAN: CH08 0900 0000 1001 7481 2
University Chaplaincy
Unil – Amphipôle 211 – 1015 Lausanne

Looking forward to sharing this little adventure!

Alexandre ([email protected])

Chaplain at EPFL