Mourning snack

Sharing experiences of death and bereavement over a “petite croque” (meal provided)
Croque deuil

It’s been a few weeks or months since you lost a loved one: your father, your mother, a companion, someone you loved. You’ve had to take upon yourself the practical organization of everything that needs to be done in the circumstances: meeting the “croques morts”, organizing a ceremony, religious or secular, going through the deceased’s belongings to find out what he or she would have wanted. Or maybe you had to accept that there was no ceremony at all. Whatever your experience, it left its mark.

Since then, you’ve experienced the absence of others, while daily life has taken over. The attention of others has waned, and the silence around you has sharpened the solitary memory of the other. You no longer dare to talk about it, since everything has returned to normal, except for you…

The grieving process is different for everyone, but there are similarities. Wherever you are on your grief journey, you’re welcome to talk and share your experiences with others who have been through a similar experience in a safe, non-judgmental setting.

Tuesdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm

  • October 17 and 31, 2023
  • November 14 and 28, 2023
  • December 12, 2023
  • January 9, 2024

Information by email


Venue: Aumônerie UNIL POL 249