Supplier: how to invoice EPFL?

A single billing address

EPFL has implemented a new way to process supplier invoices. All invoices will be processed digitally. As part of this change, we’ve introduced a single, centralized billing address for all our suppliers:

Please note: the following entities are not affected by the billing instructions:
  • SwissTech Convention Center,
  • Société pour le Quartier Nord de l’EPFL (SQNE),
  • Société pour le Quartier de l’Innovation de l’EPFL (SQIE),
  • EPFL Innovation Park Foundation (FEIP),
  • all companies located at the EPFL Innovation Park.


Procedure for sending your invoices

You can also download the procedure here in French, German and English.

  • Please email your invoices, in PDF format to the centralized billing address; invoices prepared in any other format will not be processed.

  • Send only one invoice (one PDF document) per email.

  • Include any supporting documentation (such as payment slip or delivery notes) in the same PDF as your invoice; separate files will not be processed.

  • If you cannot include payment slips in the same PDF as the invoice, you have two solutions:
  1. to not include a payment slip, as long as your complete bank detail appears on the invoice;
  2. to send the invoices in a paper format, by post (possibility to includ several invoices per envelope).
  • Don’t copy anyone else at EPFL on your email.

  • Please specify on all your invoices:
    – EPFL purchase order number; otherwise: email address of the person who placed the order,
    – name of the EPFL entity that placed the order.
  • Please send to the central postal address:
    Accounts Payable
    Station 99
    1015 Lausanne
  • Please specify on all your invoices:
    – EPFL purchase order number; otherwise: email address of the person who placed the order,
    – name of the EPFL entity placing the order.


If your invoices do not comply  with these instructions, they’ll be returned to you for amendment.

Electronic shipping: faster and cheaper

In order to help us reduce paper use, please send us your invoices electronically wherever possible. That way, we’ll be able to process them more quickly. Going paperless is also cost-effective for you and better for the environment.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about this new process or want to follow up on an invoice you’ve sent us, please write to the EPFL Accounting Department at sf(at) Do not send your query to your usual contact person at EPFL.