Donor/Partner-enabled Chairs

Attracting and supporting the world’s top scholars in an increasingly competitive global market is more crucial than ever. Our internationally renowned faculty conduct collaborative, translational research which results in life-changing scientific advances.

Lonza Chair in Sustainable Biosynthesis 

Rolex Chair in Surface and Interface Science & Tribology

Giorgi-Cavaglieri Chair in Immunology and Virology

Medtronic Chair in Neuromodulation

SICPA Chair Digital-Physical Trust, Traceability and Sustainability

Schindler Chair in Sustainable Buildings and Regenerative Environments

Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Neuroprosthetic Technology, led by Professor Stephanie Lacour

Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Cognitive Neuroprosthetics led by Professor Olaf Blanke

Dr Julia Jacobi Chair in Photomedicine, led by Professor Sylvia Roke

ISREC Foundation Chair in Translational Oncology, led by Professor Elisa Oricchio

Giorgi-Cavaglieri Foundation Chair in Life Sciences, led by Professor Alexandre Persat

La Mobilière Chair in Urban Ecology and Sustainable Living, led by Professor Claudia Binder

Medtronic Chair in Neuroengineering, led by Professor Diego Ghezzi

Nestlé Chair for Neurodevelopment, led by Professor Johannes Gräff

PX Group Chair in Metallurgy, led by Professor Roland Logé

swissUp Engineering Chair, led by Professor Carlotta Guiducci