Cluster Nanosciences All faculties SB STI SV All institutes IBI IEM IGM IMX IPHYS ISIC Acronym Title Tags C3MP Chair of Computational Condensed Matter Physics SB IPHYS CSEA Chair of Atomic Scale Simulation SB IPHYS GR-DIL Dil Group - Spin Orbit Interaction Spectroscopy SB IPHYS GR-GA Galland Group - Laboratory of Quantum and Nano-Optics SB IPHYS LAFT Laboratory for Advanced Fabrication Technologies STI IEM LAS Gaznat Chair for advanced separations SB ISIC LASPE Laboratory of Advanced Semiconductors for Photonics and Electronics SB IPHYS LBEM Laboratory of Biological Electron Microscopy SB IPHYS LBI Laboratory of Biomaterials for Immunoengineering STI SV IBI LBP Laboratory for fundamental BioPhotonics STI SV IBI LFIM Laboratory for Functional Inorganic Materials SB ISIC LIMNO Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomaterials SB ISIC LMIS1 Microsystems Laboratory 1 STI IEM LNB Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology SB ISIC LNCE Laboratory of Nanochemistry for Energy SB ISIC LNET Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies STI IGM LNQ Quantum Plumbing Lab SB ISIC LNS Laboratory of Nanostructures at Surfaces SB IPHYS LPMAT Photonic Materials and Characterization STI IEM LRM Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance SB ISIC LSEN Laboratory of Nanoscale Science SB IPHYS LSME Electron Spectrometry and Microscopy Laboratory SB IPHYS LTPN Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Nanosystems SB IPHYS LUMES Laboratory for ultrafast microscopy and electron scattering SB IPHYS NEMS Advanced Nano-electromechanical Systems Laboratory STI IGM SCI-SB-RH SCI SB RH Group SB IPHYS SUNMIL Supramolecular Nanomaterials and Interfaces Laboratory - Constellium Chair STI IMX