
Instructor: Y. Aye – EPFL


Ongoing teaching activities as PI (2019 Autumn – present):

CH-332: Medicinal Chemistry (2nd-half of the Spring semester) (Fridays 10:15 — 14:00)

Target audience: 3rd-year bachelor students

CH-313: Chemical Biology (Autumn) (Tuesdays 10:15 — 12:00)

Target audience: 3rd-year bachelor students

CH-412: Chemical Biology Frontiers (Spring) (Mondays 13:15 — 15:00)

Target audience: master and PhD students

BIOENG-320: Synthetic Biology (Spring) (Wednesdays 12:15 —  14:00)

(co-instructing with Prof. Patrick Barth)

Target audience: bachelor and master students

14CB01: Current Topics in Chemical Biology and Biochemistry

(co-instructing with faculty members at UNIGE & EPFL)

Target audience: master students at UNIGE & EPFL

14CB04: SPOC Chemical Biology

(co-instructing with faculty members at UNIGE)

Target audience: master and PhD students at UNIGE

Previous teaching activities as PI (2012 – 2019):


CH-313: Biochemistry II (Autumn 2018) (Tuesdays 8:15 — 10:00)

Target audience: 3rd-year undergraduates

Biochemistry II (metabolic signaling), co-instructing with Prof. Beat Fierz (structural biology)

CH-412: Chemical Biology (Spring 2019) (Mondays 13:15 — 15:00)

Target audience: master students

Master’s course in chemical biology, co-instructing with Profs. Christian Heinis, Ruud Hovius, and Bruno Correia

Voluntary contributions to Global Open-Access Education:

MOOC on Chemical Biology

Target audience: interested students from any nation

Cornell University & Weill Cornell Medicine (fall 2012 – spring 2018):

CHEM 4500 (Cornell) –

Fall 2016, 2017, 2018 – Principles of Chemical Biology (Class size: 20-40)

Target audience: Primarily third- and fourth-year undergraduate chemistry/biology majors, first-year graduate students from chemistry & chemical biology PhD program, and graduate student fellows of the NIH CBI training program

CHEM 3580 (Cornell) –

Spring 2018 – Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences (Class size: 600-800)

Target audience: Primarily first- and second-year undergraduate chemistry majors and non-majors

CHEM 3590 (Cornell) –

Spring 2014, 2015, 2017 – Honors Organic Chemistry (Part I) (Class size: 50-70)

Target audience: First-year undergraduate chemistry majors and second-year undergraduate engineering majors

CHEM 6650 (Cornell) –

Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 – Advanced Organic Chemistry (Class size: 20-40)

Target audience: Primarily first-year graduate students from chemistry & chemical biology PhD program

MBG EPOM lecture series (Weill Cornell Medicine) –

Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 – Nucleotide Metabolism (Class size: ~100)

Target audience: First-year medical school students