Internetworking between mobile ad-hoc network and a network of base stations

Contact: Bozidar Radunovic

Site: Internetworking between mobile ad-hoc network and a network of base stations

Terminodes are wide area mobile ad-hoc networks which are autonomous and self-organized (see description at On larger scales, this type of network can have problems with connectivity and available troughput. In order to improve the performance, a network of fixed base-stations is introduced in addition to a terminodes network. The scope of this project is to study interworking between a terminode network and a network of fixed base-stations. Issues such as routing and congestion control will be covered. The project consists of performing simulations and if time permits a theoretical analysis of the system will be done.

 learning about routing and congestion control in mobile systems.

Domain: Protocol design and implementation

Student info: Prerequisites: C, Unix, Unix tools, TCP/IP (beginner course)