Contact: Nikodin Ristanovic
It has been shown recently that Apple stores the locations you visited within the past one year in a file on your iPhone. Android phones also anonymously collect your location records. Your mobile operator has your location history stored in multiple places with different levels of granularity. But, they are not the only ones.
The goal of this project is to explore different entities that are collecting, storing and selling data, which many of us would consider as extremely sensitive and private. The focus is on iPhone and Android devices and the underpinnings of the common application architectures on these platforms.
Required knowledge: All that you need to know are the basics of networking (wireshark). Some scripting knowledge is preferable but not necessary. Everything else will be explained to you.
Number of students: The project is intended for a group of 2 students, so if you don’t have a partner to work with, you are advised to find one.
When can I start? You can start immediately.