Contact: Alaeddine Elfawal
Ad-hoc Flash Sales is a way to promote commercial products, usually joined with discounted pricing. We have already implemented a prototype of this application for Windows XP and Windows Mobile (for smartphones). Our implementation of the Ad-hoc Flash-Sales includes two parts: vendor and customer. The vendor parts aims at injecting flashes in the wireless network. A vendor runs this part on any wireless device (desktop, laptop or even a smartphone) to promote his product locally around the sell-point or anywhere else. A flash contains the description of the product to promote and for sure its price.
The customer part also runs on any wireless device, ideally a smartphone. Also, it can run inside vehicles equipped with a WIFI interface. Customers receive the flashes injected by the vendors through multi-hop broadcast.
The flash dissemination is ensured using SLEF (Self Limiting Epidemic Forwarding), which is a middleware that delivers an efficient and reliable multi-hop broadcast.
The goal of this project is to make a final product of this application while dealing with all practical challenges such as security, power saving and friendly graphical user interface. Our target platform is iPhone and the implementation should be in C++.