URBAN LAKESIDE Yverdon-les-Bains 2012-13

In a context questioning urban sprawl, urban brownfield constitutes an interesting potential of surfaces to be reclaimed. Their regeneration allows for simultaneously envisage densification within the already-built fabric and revitalization of certain portions of cities and metropolitan areas. However, with a view to sustainability, the question is not limited to the issues of the location and the densification of buildings. This return to the city implies the optimized awareness of environmental, socio-cultural, and economic aspects, which also raises many qualitative questions for the architectural project.

The site chosen for the URBAN LAKESIDE Studio consists of a portion of the city of Yverdon-les-Bains that is particularly emblematic of the issues linked to the regeneration of urban brownfields. Home to many abandoned areas, this site is ideally located between the railways and the shores of Lake Neuchâtel, in the geographic center of the agglomeration. It thus takes on a particularly strategic character because it can respond to the significant demographic growth expected in the Yverdonnoise agglomeration. Indeed, its transformation into a new dense urban sector is likely to accommodate more than 3,000 inhabitants and 1,500 jobs in the area of ​​influence of a national level railway station, benefiting from the lake landscape as a backdrop. To explore this challenge, the studio focuses on different hypotheses of urban forms relating to the interaction between the empty spaces and the sectors to be urbanized.


Professor : Prof. Emmanuel Rey
Teaching assistants : Jean Camuzet, Cyril Lecoultre, Nicolas Strambini
Lecturer : Dan Bolomey
Experts : Markus Baertschi (Yverdon-les-Bains), Nicolas Favet (Paris), Renato Salvi (Sion)

Visiting lecturers

Ricardo do Figueire, professor FAUP, Porto
Philippe Gasser, transportation engineer, urban planner, Citec, Geneva
Julien Grisel, architect, bunq, Nyon
Romain Kilchherr, engineer in environmental sciences, EDMS, Geneva
Maria Joao Marques, architect, Porto
Maxime Monnier, landscape architect, Hüsler & Associés, Lausanne
Manuel Montenegro, architect, lecturer FAUP, Porto


Clémence Beghini, Laetitia Berger, Nina Blatter, Anne-Sophie Blunier, Lloyd Broda, Marina Capelli, Yannick Claessens, Sarah Clénin, Beatrice Dohner, Julien Donzé, Léonore Dor, Elea Dubochet, Helena Esteves Lopes, Cyrielle Froidevaux, Aline Grossrieder, Damien Hominal, Joanne Kaehlin, Loïc Marconato, Mathieu Maréchal, Adrien Muller, Jean-Yves Pascalis, Adele Pietrini, Christophe Pittet, Eva Ponzo, Yannick Riedo, Sébastien Sartorio, Sarah Sauthier, Marc-Olivier Seydoux, Christian Studer, Bertran Suris, Marin Thaller, Nicolas Uebersax, Adrien Walther, Killian Worreth.

Related publication

Emmanuel Rey (Ed.)
Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes
Lausanne, 2015