Exhibitions and lectures
The CO-OP principle – Hannes Meyer and the Concept of Collective Design
Horizontal Metropolis at Biennale de Venezia
Juhani Pallasmaa, Olaf Blanke, Harry Mallgrave, Andrea Serino etc.
Symposium ’empirical: embodiment in architecture & neuroscience’
Live Matter – Design vegetal
Rosetta Elkin
Inaugural lecture of exhibition Live Matter
Werner Oechslin & Arduino Cantàfora
Aldo Rossi. Science et/ou Poésie.
Les exigences d’une sensualité élevée et le voyage au “mont analogue”
Mary McLeod
Architecture and Revolution. Le Corbusier’s Architecture and Politics from Regional Syndicalism to Vichy
Jacques Lucan
Précisions sur un état présent de l’architecture : Au-delà de l’iconisme
Aldo Rossi – La finestra del poeta
Beatrice Lampariello & Ton Quik
Processus créatifs du collage de Rossi: composer et disposer
Alistair Guthrie (Arup)
Conférence inaugurale de l’exposition Solar Decathlon
Dieter Dietz, Marc Angélil & Marc Collomb
Round Table #II – Emile knows little. Learning architecture. The 1st year.
Manuel Aires Mateus
João Pedro Barros Falcão de Campos
Angel Borrego Cubero, Jeannette Kuo, Emmanuel Ventura & Dieter Dietz
Projection and panel discussion on the movie The Competition
Horizontal Metropolis
Kazuyo Sejima
Javier Villar Ruiz
Lord Norman Foster
Architecture in the Sky
CH-JP Building in Context
Japon, l’archipel de la maison
Emilio Tuñón
Architecture of the Memory
Junya Ishigami
Campus RTS – Construire les médias de demain
Frank Escher
Conserving Experiments
Go Hasegawa
Jacques Lucan
Honorary Lesson ‘L’archaïque et le sublime’
Vertical Urban Factory
Nina Rappaport
Inaugural lecture of the exibition Vertical Urban Factory
Tom Emerson, Marco Bakker & Jo Taillieu
Round Table #I – Theory vs. Practice of Architecture. Craft vs. Technology. Tradition vs. Innovation
Book of copies
Giorgio Grassi
L’objet du projet et son modèle
Nicholas Lobo Brennan
Glatt! Manifeste pour une ville en pleine évolution
Luca Merlini
Les mains de Grünewald
Stephen Felmingham
The intuitive hand. Drawing as tacit knowledge
Ingo Giezendanner
GRRRR: Metropolitan drawing
Charles Jencks
Harmony and Disharmony in the Universe
International symposium on landscape
The narrative of landscape
Georges Descombes
Dessiner une rivière
Monique Ruzicka-Rossier, Frederik Peeters & Gianni Haver
Performance ‘L’impact du dessin’