Educational robotics

Researches at MOBOTS pursuit developing innovative educational robots technologies and investigating their impact in learning activities.

Thymio and e-puck

The MOBOTS team has a long tradition of development of mobile robots for education, starting with the Khepera robot, through platforms like the MarxBot and up to the more recent Thymio and e-puck robots.

Because the policy of bringing these tools to the market, these robot have reached thousands of schools, from primary to university level. These results have been reached with the help of companies or association manufacturing and distributing these tools, but also with the help of government that supported their introduction in schools.

In the recent years, synergies have been created with the EPFL Center for Learning Sciences LEARN, merging the robotics effort with a more broad effort in education about computational thinking, computer science, and digital literacy.

The studies conducted in MOBOTS realated to Education were mainly founded by the National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCRs), more especifically in the Grand Challenge of Educational Robotics.