
Trio preserves motor synapses and prolongs motor ability during aging. Banerjee S, Vernon S, Ruchti E, Limoni G, Jiao W, Asadzadeh J,Van Campenhoudt M, McCabe BD. (2024) Cell Reports 43:114256 ⇒
Sexually dimorphic mechanisms of VGLUT-mediated protection from dopaminergic neurodegeneration. Buck SA, Rubin SA,….Palladino MJ, McCabe BD, Fish KN,…Cheetham CEJ, Logan RW, Freyberg Z. (2023) bioRxiv 10.1101/2023.10.02.560584 ⇒
Chromosome-level organization of the regulatory genome in the Drosophila nervous system. Mohana G, Dorier J, Li X, Mouginot M, Smith RC, Malek H, Leleu M, Rodriguez D, Khadka J, Rosa P, Cousin P, Iseli C, Restrepo S, Guex N, McCabe BD, Jankowski A, Levine MS, Gambetta MC. (2023) Cell 18:3826-3844 ⇒
CERT1 mutations perturb human development by disrupting sphingolipid homeostasis. Gehin C, Lone MA, Lee W, Capolupo L, Ho S,…Ruchti E, Limoni G, Van Campenhoudt M,…McCabe BD, De Los Rios P, Hornemann T, D’Angelo G and Gennarino VA. (2023) Journal of Clinical Investigation ⇒
Commentary: Alpha1-adrenergic receptor blockade in the ventral tegmental area attenuates acquisition of cocaine-induced pavlovian associative learning. Lasne A, Simos M, Constantin L, McCabe BD and Sandi C. (2023) Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17:1147507 ⇒
The matricellular protein Drosophila CCN is required for synaptic transmission and female fertility. Garrett EC, Bielawski AM, Ruchti E, Sherer LM, Waghmare I, Hess-Homeier D, McCabe BD, Stowers RS and Certel SJ. (2023) Genetics ⇒
Retromer deficiency in Tauopathy models enhances the truncation and toxicity of Tau. Asadzadeh J, Ruchti E, Jiao W, Limoni G, MacLachlan C, Small SA, Knott G,Santa-Maria I and McCabe BD (2022) Nature Communications 13: 5049 ⇒
Intact Drosophila Central Nervous System Cellular Quantitation Reveals Sexual Dimorphism. Jiao W, Spreemann G, Ruchti E, Banerjee S, Vernon S, Shi Y, Stowers RS, Hess K and McCabe BD. (2022) eLife 11:e74968 ⇒
A Conditional GABAergic Synaptic Vesicle Marker for Drosophila. Certel SJ, McCabe BD and Stowers RS. (2022) Journal of Neuroscience Methods 372:109540 DOI: ⇒
A Conditional Glutamatergic Synaptic Vesicle Marker for Drosophila. Certel SJ, Ruchti E, McCabe BD and Stowers RS. (2022) G3 DOI: ⇒
Intact Drosophila Central Nervous System Cellular Quantitation Reveals Sexual Dimorphism. Jiao W, Spreemann G, Ruchti E, Banerjee S, Shi Y, Stowers RS, Hess K and McCabe BD. (2021) BioRxiv DOI: ⇒ now published in eLife
Miniature neurotransmission is required to maintain Drosophila synaptic structures during ageing. Banerjee S, Vernon S, Jiao W, Choi BJ, Ruchti E, Asadzadeh J, Burri O, Stowers RS and McCabe BD. (2021) Nature Communications 12:4399 DOI: ⇒
VGLUT modulates sex differences in dopamine neuron vulnerability to age-related neurodegeneration. Buck SA, Steinkellner T, Aslanoglou D, Villeneuve M, Bhatte SH, Childers VC, Rubin SA, De Miranda BR, O’Leary EI, Neureiter EG, Fogle KJ, Palladino M, Logan RW, Glausier JR, Fish KN, Lewis DA, Greenamyre JT, Bonci A, McCabe BD, Cheetham CEJ, Hnasko TS, Freyberg Z. (2021) e13365 ⇒
The Links between ALS and NF-κB. Källstig E, McCabe BD and Schneider BL. (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22:3875 DOI: ⇒
Lack of effect on ambulation of dalfampridine-ER (4-AP) treatment in adult SMA patients. Chiriboga CA, Marra J, LaMarca NM, Young SD, Weimer LH, Levin B, McCabe BD. (2020) Neuromuscular Disorders DOI: 10.1016/j.nmd.2020.07.007 ⇒
Octopamine neuron dependent aggression requires dVGLUT from dual-transmitting neurons. Sherer LM, Catudio Garrett E, Morgan HR, Brewer ED, Sirrs LA, Shearin HK, Williams JL, McCabe BD, Stowers RS, Certel SJ. (2020) PLoS Genetics. 16:e1008609 ⇒
Synaptic proximity enables NMDAR signalling to promote brain metastasis. Zeng Q, Michael IP, Zhang P, Saghafinia S, Knott G, Jiao W, McCabe BD, Galván JA, Robinson HPC, Zlobec I, Ciriello G, Hanahan D. (2019) Nature 573:526 ⇒
MiR-219 deficiency in Alzheimer’s disease contributes to neurodegeneration and memory dysfunction through post-transcriptional regulation of tau-kinase network. Arnes M, Kim YA, Lannes J, Alaniz ME, Cho JD, McCabe BD, Santa-Maria I. (2019) bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/607176 ⇒
A Drosophila Model of Essential Tremor. Smith P, Arias R, Sonti S, Odgerel Z, Santa-Maria I, McCabe BD, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Louis ED, Hodge JJL, Clark LN. (2018) Scientific Reports 16:7664 ⇒
Neuronal Depolarization Drives Increased Dopamine Synaptic Vesicle Loading via VGLUT. Aguilar JI, Dunn M, Mingote S, Karam CS, Farino ZJ, Sonders MS, Choi SJ, Grygoruk A, Zhang Y, Cela C, Choi BJ, Flores J, Freyberg RJ, McCabe BD, Mosharov EV, Krantz DE, Javitch JA, Sulzer D, Sames D, Rayport S, Freyberg Z. (2017) Neuron 95:1074 ⇒
Mechanisms of amphetamine action illuminated through optical monitoring of dopamine synaptic vesicles in Drosophila brain. Freyberg Z, Sonders MS, Aguilar JI, Hiranita T, Karam CS, Flores J, Pizzo AB, Zhang Y, Farino ZJ, Chen A, Martin CA, Kopajtic TA, Fei H, Hu G, Lin YY, Mosharov EV, McCabe BD, Freyberg R, Wimalasena K, Hsin LW, Sames D, Krantz DE, Katz JL, Sulzer D, Javitch JA. (2016) Nature Communications 16:10652 ⇒
WDR79/TCAB1 plays a conserved role in the control of locomotion and ameliorates phenotypic defects in SMA models. Di Giorgio ML, Esposito A, Maccallini P, Micheli E, Bavasso F, Gallotta I, Vernì F, Feiguin F, Cacchione S, McCabe BD, Di Schiavi E, Raffa GD. (2017) Neurobiology of Disease 105:42 ⇒
Dysregulation of miR-219 promotes neurodegeneration through post-transcriptional regulation of Tau. Santa-Maria I., Alaniz M., Renwick N., Cela C., Fulga T., Van Vactor D., Tuschl T., Clark L., Shelanski M., McCabe B.D. and Crary J. (2015) Journal of Clinical Investigation 125:681 ⇒
Miniature neurotransmission regulates Drosophila synaptic structural maturation. Choi B.J., Imlach W., Jiao W., Wolfram V., Ying W., Grbic M., Cela C., Baines R.A., Nitabach M.N. and McCabe, B.D. (2014) Neuron 82:618 ⇒
PI3P regulates sorting and processing of amyloid precursor protein through the endosomal system. Morel E., Chamoun Z, Lasiecka Z.M., Chan R.B., Williamson R.L., Vetanovetz C., Dall’Armi C., Simoes S., Point Du Jour K.S., McCabe B.D., Small S.A. and Di Paolo G. (2013) Nature Communications 4:2250 ⇒
Amphetamine-induced behavior requires CaMKII-dependent dopamine transporter phosphorylation. Pizzo A, Karam C.S., Zhang Y., Ma CL, McCabe, B.D and Javitch, J.A. (2014) Molecular Psychiatry 19:279 ⇒
RAB7L1 Interacts with LRRK2 to Modify Intraneuronal Protein Sorting and Parkinson’s Disease Risk. MacLeod DA, Rhinn H, Kuwahara T, Zolin A, Di Paolo G, McCabe BD, Clark LN, Small SA, Abeliovich A. (2013). Neuron 77:425 ⇒
SMN is required for sensory-motor circuit function in Drosophila. Imlach, W., Beck, E. Choi, B.J., Pellizzoni, L. and McCabe, B.D. (2012) Cell 151:440 ⇒
SMN-Dependent U12 splicing events are essential for motor circuit function. Lotti, F., Imlach, W., Luciano S., H. Le, Beattie C.E., Beck, E. and McCabe, B.D., Pellizzoni, L. (2012) Cell 151:427 ⇒
A modular toolset for recombination transgenesis and neurogenetic analysis of Drosophila. Wang, J.W., Beck, E. and McCabe, B.D. (2012) . PloS ONE 7:e42102 ⇒
A role for the membrane-raft protein Flotillin-1 in dopamine transporter-mediated amphetamine-induced behavior in Drosophila. Pizzo, A., Karam C.S., Yano, H., Freyberg, R.J., Yamamoto, A, McCabe, B.D. and Javitch, J.A. (2013). Molecular Psychiatry 18:824 ⇒
The splicing factor Beag governs synapse growth through the regulation of Fasciclin II. Beck, E., Gasque, G., Wu, P. and McCabe, B.D. (2012) Journal of Neuroscience 20:7058 ⇒
The p150(Glued) CAP-Gly domain regulates initiation of retrograde transport at synaptic termini. Lloyd, T.E., Machamer, J., O’Hara, K., Kim, J.H., Collins, S.E., Wong, M.Y., Sahin, B., Imlach, W., Yang, Y., Levitan, E.S., McCabe, B.D., and Kolodkin, A.L. (2012) Neuron 74:344 ⇒
The ALS genes FUS and TDP-43 function together to regulate locomotion and longevity in Drosophila. Wang, J.W., Brent, J., Schneider, N. and McCabe, B.D. (2011) Journal of Clinical Investigation 121:4118 ⇒
Drosophila larval NMJ immunohistochemistry. Brent, J.R., Werner, K.M. and McCabe, B.D. (2009) Journal of Visualized Experiments 25:569 ⇒
Electrophysiological methods for recording synaptic potentials from the NMJ of Drosophila larvae. Imlach, W. and McCabe, B.D. (2009). Journal of Visualized Experiments 24:1439 ⇒
Drosophila larval NMJ dissection. Brent, J.R., Werner, K.M., McCabe, B.D. (2009) Journal of Visualized Experiments 24:1 ⇒
Parkinson’s disease: Insights from Invertebrates Penney, E.B. and McCabe, B.D. (2008) Parkinson’s Disease: Pathogenic and Therapeutic Insights from Toxin and Genetic Models, Academic Press ⇒
A genome-wide P-Element screen for Drosophila synaptogenesis mutants. Liebl F.L.W, Werner, K.M., Sheng, Q., McCabe, B.D., and Featherstone, D.E. (2006) Journal of Neurobiology 66:332 ⇒
All neuropathies great and small. Penney, E.B and McCabe, B.D. (2005). Journal of Clinical Investigation 115:2968 ⇒
Highwire regulates presynaptic BMP signaling essential for synaptic growth. McCabe, B.D., Hom, S., Aberle, H., Fetter, R. D., Marques, G., Haerry, T. E., O’Connor, M. B., Goodman, C.S. and Haghighi, A. P. (2004) Neuron 41:891 ⇒
The BMP homolog Gbb provides a retrograde signal that regulates synapse growth at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. McCabe, B.D., Marques, G., Haghighi, A. P., Fetter, R. D., Crotty, L. M., Haerry, T. E., Goodman, C. S., and O’Connor, M. B. (2003) Neuron 39:241 ⇒
Addtional publications ⇒