Laboratory of Intelligent Systems

The Laboratory of Intelligent Systems directed by Prof. Dario Floreano explores future avenues of artificial intelligence and robotics at the convergence of biology and engineering, humans and machines.

Our fields of activity span:

Aerial Robotics

We take inspiration from nature for the design, learning and control of agile drones that can fly in cluttered environments and in swarms.

Wearable Robotics

We investigate and develop novel soft wearable robots for natural interactions between humans and robots.

Soft Robotics

We investigate smart materials, mechanical design, learning and control of soft robots that capture the resilience and adaptability of living organisms.



The flapping microrobot takes flight with  passive deploying-retracting wings - 2024 EPFL/Hoang-Vu Phan - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Flying like a beetle

  • News
  • EPFL
Read moresur Tech Transfer.

In a new study, EPFL scientists found that rhinoceros beetles use passive mechanisms to deploy and retract wings instead of muscles. The findings inspired them to develop a new microrobot, demonstrating a simple, yet effective, approach to the design of insect-like flying micromachines.


Head of Lab: Prof. Dario Floreano

Administrator: Michèle Jaccoud Ramseier
+41 21 693 52 74

Address: LIS-IMT-STI, Room MED1 1126
Station 9, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

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