©René Magritte, Le Blanc-Seing
References as a starting point. A selection of double houses. Reacting on a fascination of that reference by defining a fragment; a fragment as an open starting point that is never complete. Understanding how detail makes space, how space makes detail or one cannot be without the other one.
It is about construction. About structure, about space, about atmosphere.
Axonometric drawing à la manière de will be the continuation of this exercice. Reacting on the reference by drawing it, re-drawing it. Looking to that reference through the eyes of another architect. Learning to draw is about learning to observe. It is about construction. About structure, about space, about
Atmosphere – The fragment will lead to an alter house. Finding your personal way to approach an existing house. How are you as architect.
It is about living. About structure, about space, about atmosphere.
The aim is simple complexity. Studying a reference house, looking for space by detail fragment; arriving at a simple complexity of a house. Thinking about space; about meaning and about living. Understanding detail, material and construction. Reading reference ; typology and context. Longing for cooking ; sleeping and living. Finally, being personal ; precise and critical.
Make a fragment of the house. It is about observation; investigation; understanding. Starting from a personal fascination of a book; the fragment, not a facade or building but a fragment of a house.

Look again to the double house : à la manière de, how an architect draws his architecture; why does he draw it this way; what does that mean for the reference; how does it alter the drawing; how does it alter the house.

Make a double house ; an alter house – which is a building; which has maybe a façade. the alter house as the outcome of dealing with the existing. the existing as starting and not as endpoint.

students / Remo Ackermann, Ruben Albrecht, Emma Bérard, Inès Branet, Iciar Bonnet, Adrien Bossel, Laura Ciak, Alice Dareys, Arthur Douillet, Clément Estreicher, Célia Feole, David Gindroz, Anna Hausel, Basile Immer, Julian Molliet, Lily Martin, Léo Perrin, Maud Nguyen Huynh, Anna Ozhiganova, Ecenaz Ozkorkut, Hanya Sayed, Matéo Schneider, Sophie Sills, Sabrina Travaglini, Alexandros Trivizas, Calvin Wanzenried, Armand Zanota
assistants / Axel Chevroulet, Vinh Linh