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× 2018 Talks Some unexpected facets of open access geodata publishing S. Joost
Noon Talks EPFL Library, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 15, 2018. Effets de l’environnement urbain sur la santĂ©: lâimportance des donnĂ©es gĂ©orĂ©fĂ©rencĂ©es au lieu de rĂ©sidence en gĂ©omĂ©decine S. Joost ; I. Guessous
19e ConfĂ©rence nationale sur la promotion de la santĂ© et 4e ConfĂ©rence des parties prenantes MNT – Promotion SantĂ© Suisse, Eventfabrik, Berne, January 18, 2018. 2017 Talks Des mĂ©decins Ă la direction de lâurbanisme ? S. Joost ; I. Guessous
Forum BĂątir et Planifier “Villes en pleine santĂ©”, Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland, November 20, 2017. Open science practices in geospatial education and research S. Joost
Open Science in Practice Summer School (OSIP2017), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 25-29, 2017. Current challenge in landscape genomics: what about the environmental counterpart of high-throughput genomic data? S. Joost
ESEB XVI Congress, Groningen, NL, August, 20-25. Geomedicine: opportunities of using spatial information to move toward more precision in public health – Using geomedicine to identify BMI clusters in Geneva and Lausanne I. Guessous ; S. Joost
2Ăšme congrĂšs de printemps de la SociĂ©tĂ© Suisse de MĂ©decine Interne GĂ©nĂ©rale, Lausanne, Swisstech Convention Center, May 3-5, 2017. Geomedicine: opportunities of using spatial information to move toward more precision in public health – spatial approaches and clusters: an introduction for clinicians S. Joost ; I. Guessous
2Úme congrÚs de printemps de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne Générale, Lausanne, Swisstech Convention Center, May 3-5, 2017. GenMon-CH : a Web-GIS application for the monitoring of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR) in Switzerland S. Duruz ; C. Flury ; S. Joost
SVT-Tagung 2017 – Swiss Association for Animal Science, Zollikofen, Switzerland, March 23, 2017. 2016 Talks A GIS application to conservation genomics S. Joost
IDYST Seminars, Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, University of Lausanne, UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 27, 2016. Approches spatiales pour une santé publique de précision en milieu urbain I. Guessous ; S. Joost
Coloques du Service de la santé publique du canton de Vaud (SSP), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 15, 2016. 2015 Talks Very high-resolution digital elevation models for multi-scale analysis in landscape genomics (GENESCALE) S. Joost
Rechalp Symposium, University of Lausanne, October 29, 2015. Effect of climate change on the spatial distribution of genomic variants involved in the resistance to East Coast Fever in Ugandan cattle E. Rochat ; E. Vajana ; L. Colli ; C. Masembe ; R. Negrini et al.
19th Evolutionary Biology Meeting, Marseilles, France, September 15-18, 2015. Impact of the urbanization process on connectivity and genetic diversity – a spatially explicit simulation approach E. Rochat ; I. Widmer ; S. Manel ; M. Deschamps-Cottin ; S. Joost
First Annual Meeting in Conservation Genetics â Science and Practice, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, January 28-30, 2015. 2014 Talks An overview of spatial networks analysis for studying city form and dynamics E. Strano
Department of Geographical Science and Urban Planning, Arizona State University, Phoenix (AR), USA, September 10, 2014. Evolution of road networks E. Strano
Complex Systems Department, Arizona State University, Phoenix AR. (USA), October 6, 2014. Urban Form and Urbanization E. Strano
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT. (USA), October 20, 2014. From spatial network to city form E. Strano
MIT, Civil Engineering Department, Boston, MA. (USA), October 29, 2014. A WebGIS application for the monitoring of Farm Animal Genetic Resources S. Duruz
Meetings del Comitato Italo-Svizzero per la Geoinformatica, Como, October, 30-31. Biogeoinformatics S. Joost
Meetings del Comitato Italo-Svizzero per la Geoinformatica, Como, October, 30-31. Subsampling as an economic consequence of using whole genome sequence data in landscape genomics: how to maximize environmental information from a reduced number of locations? K. Leempoel ; S. Stucki ; S. Joost
Livestock Genomic Resources in a Changing World, Cardiff, UK, June 17-19, 2014. Riding the whole-genome data tsunami: a landscape genomic study of local adaptation in Moroccan sheep and goats S. Stucki ; K. Leempoel ; S. Joost
Livestock Genomic Resources in a Changing World, Cardiff, UK, June 17-19, 2014. Data integration, GIS and multi-criteria decision making for the monitoring of livestock genomic resources S. Duruz ; C. Flury ; S. Joost
Livestock Genomic Resources in a Changing World, Cardiff, UK, June 17-19, 2014. Biogeoinformatics of livestock genomic resources S. Joost
Livestock genomic resources in a changing world, Cardiff, UK, June 17-19, 2014. 2012 Talks GEOME, A web-based landscape genomics platform for the integrated analysis of spatial environmental and molecular data S. Joost ; P. Emery
Technology of Information for Geographic and Environment Research and Services (TIGERS) meeting 6, University of Geneva, November 13, 2012. Next step: on the validation of the Q index to identify optimal locations for economic activities S. Joost ; O. Monod
32nd International Congress of the International Geographic Union, Cologne, August 26-30, 2012. Les mĂ©thodes dâanalyses spatiales et leurs applications Ă lâĂ©tude des conflits urbains M. Pelletier ; F. Joerin ; P. Villeneuve ; C. Trudelle ; E. Salazar et al.
80Ăšme congrĂšs de l’Association canadienne-française pour lâavancement des sciences (ACFAS), MontrĂ©al, May 7-11, 2012. The role of GIScience in landscape and conservation genetics S. Joost
GIScience Colloquium, University of ZĂŒrich, May 15, 2012. Landscape genomics of autochtonous livestock breeds: a role for geographic science in molecular ecology S. Joost
Department of Ecology and Evolution Big seminar, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, April 17, 2012. Nouvelles technologies de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection pour la caractĂ©risation de lâenvironnement urbain S. Joost ; D. Tuia
Cycle de confĂ©rences en Ă©cologie urbaine, Laboratoire Population Environnement dĂ©veloppement, UniversitĂ© dâAix-Marseille, Marseille, March 22, 2012. Network approaches to journeys on the London bicycling sharing system M. Austwick ; E. Strano ; M. Viana ; O. O’Brien
AGILE Workshop on Complexity modeling for urban structure and dynamics, Avignon (France), April 24, 2012. Evolution of street network, a 200 years old empirical case study E. Strano
AGILE Workshop on Complexity Modeling for Urban Structure and Dynamics, Avignon (France), April 24, 2012. A fine scale analysis of socio-economic and landscape variables for the assessment of health status in Geneva J. Chételat ; A. Pointet ; S. Joost ; N. Cantoreggi ; I. Guessous
Landscape and Health: Effects, Potential and Strategies, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, January 24-25, 2012. 2011 Talks Les apports de la science de l’information gĂ©ographique en gĂ©nĂ©tique environnementale S. Joost
Leçon d’Ă©preuve, FacultĂ© de GĂ©osciences et de l’environnement, UniversitĂ© de Lausanne, UniversitĂ© de Lausanne, Switzerland, November 18, 2011. Information gĂ©ographique et conservation des ressources gĂ©nĂ©tiques vĂ©gĂ©tales et animales S. Joost
Les conférences de la Murithienne, Société valaisanne des Sciences Naturelles, Sion, February 25, 2011. GIS data integration and multicriteria analysis for the assessment of breeding activities sustainability S. Joost ; C. Flury
GLOBALDIV Final International Workshop, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, February 8-9, 2011. GIS-based breeding sustainability assessment S. Joost
Swiss Association for Animal Production, FrĂŒhjahrstagung 2011 “Aktuelle Forschung in der Schweiz im Bereich Tierproduktion”, Zollikofen, Switzerland, March 29, 2011. 2010 Talks An integrated sustainability index for the geo-monitoring of the Swiss Brown Original (cattle) local socio-economic, socio-demographic and environmental context S. Joost ; G. Matasci
Second GLOBALDIV Workshop, FAO, Rome, Italy, May 5-6, 2010. Analyse spatiale et systĂšmes complexes pour lâoptimisation de la localisation des activitĂ©s commerciales S. Joost
SĂ©minaire de 3Ăšme cycle CUSO “Les SIG au service du dĂ©veloppement territorial”, EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland, June 3-4, 2010. Nominal and ordinal predictors in logistic regression for the identification of adaptive loci in animal and plant populations S. Joost ; M. Kalbermatten ; E. Bezault
S4 Conference and Workshops on Geosimulations and Risks, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, June 9 to 11, 2010. Confronto tra distanze genetiche e distanze ecologiche tra razze di capre delle alpi svizzere e italiane S. Joost ; R. Negrini ; L. Colli ; M. Pellecchia ; R. Mazza et al.
Convegno IREALP BIOD coltivare la biodiversitĂ , Milano, Italy, June 10-11, 2010. Spatial analysis and complex systems for the optimization of retail trade localization S. Joost
Workshop of the International Geographic Union (IGU) Applied Geography Commission CO8.01, Ericeira, Portugal, 18-22 July, 2010. Environmental monitoring for landscape genomics S. Joost
Workshop on geomatics technology for the monitoring of natural hazards, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 23-27, 2010. 2009 Talks Integrating geo-referenced multiscale and multidisciplinary data for the management of biodiversity in livestock genetic resources S. Joost ; L. Colli ; P. Ajmone Marsan ; P. Baret
First GLOBALDIV Workshop, University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz, Poland, March 18-19th, 2009. Coproduction de données géographiques dans les partenariats inter-organisationnels M. Noucher
GĂ©oPerspectives 09, Lausanne, Juin 2009. the cognitive and social stake of crowd sourcing F. Golay ; M. Noucher
1st EuroSDR Workshop on Crowd Sourcing, Wabern (Switzerland), August 2009. Géosimulation et aide à la décision territoriale N. Lachance-Bernard
Journée de veille technologique en géomatique, HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains (Suisse), 28 janvier 2009. New generation of planning systems: Continuous urban land monitoring N. Lachance-Bernard
Workshop IGAR-LASIG, Institut de GĂ©omatique et d’Analyse du Risque, UniversitĂ© de Lausanne, Lausanne, 1er mai 2009. New generation of planning support systems: Urban geosimulation and monitoring N. Lachance-Bernard
Internal presentation, FCTUC – Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal), June 8, 2009. Cities and Regions Development Monitoring and Scenario Assessment: A Conceptual Framework N. Lachance-Bernard
New Models for Innovative Management and Urban Dynamics, COST TU0602 Conference, Faro (Portugal), October 12-14, 2009. Integrating geo-referenced multiscale and multidisciplinary data for the management of biodiversity in livestocik genetic resources S. Joost ; L. Colli ; P. Ajmone Marsan ; P. Baret
First GLOBALDIV Workshop, Bydgoszcz, Poland, March 17-20, 2009. 2008 Talks Exploring the Geographic Dimension of Genetic Data S. Joost
Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Boston, USA, April 15-18, 2008. MFSA: a research center to promote the role of Geographic Science in interdisciplinary research: towards scientific discovery S. Joost
IGU Commission on Applied Geography, 31st International Geographical Congress, Tunis (Tunisia), August 12-15, 2008. A landscape genomics approach to understanding and predicting species distribution S. Joost
European Science Foundation (ESF) funded Workshop on Landscape Genetics within the ConGen programme, St-Hugues de Biviers/Grenoble (France), October 20-23, 2008. 2007 Talks Le systĂšme d’information du territoire Genevois et la 3D. Analyse de besoins C. Carneiro
Journée du projet 3D, GenÚve, 12 octobre 2007. Indicators of urban development based on 3D urban models and data C. Carneiro
AGILE, Aalborg (Denmark), May 5-8. Workshop e-geo: Que devrait ĂȘtre selon vous le GĂ©oportail e-geo.ch ? T. Bussien
5Ăšme forum e-geo.ch, Soleure, 21 novembre 2007. Des SIG transfrontaliers ou un SIG europĂ©en ? Le point de vue d’un scientifique F. Golay
Journées du SITG , Versoix (Geneva), April 20, 2007. GIScience joining with molecular biology: a novel approach of detecting signatures of natural selection within the genome S. Joost
Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), San Francisco, USA, April 17-21, 2007. DĂ©velopper une culture du partage de donnĂ©es gĂ©ographiques. Principaux freins et leviers d’action de la mutualisation M. Noucher
CRIGE PACA: Journée Technique sur les Risques Majeurs, Aix-en-Provence (France), Juin. Coopérer autour des SIG: typologie et exemples en France et au Canada M. Noucher
Atelier SIG PyrĂ©nĂ©es, St-Gaudens (France), Octobre. Understanding the territory as a semantic tool for analysing historical, political and economic processes E. Camacho-HĂŒbner
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 17-21 avril 2007. 2006 Talks Google Earth, et puis ?, et puis ? ou: les petits bénéfices des services géolocalisés en ligne F. Golay
GIS Day 2006 – Rezonance.ch@UNIL, Lausanne, November 15, 2006. Utilisation des modĂšles numĂ©riques laser pour l’Ă©tude et la gestion des forĂȘts de montagne G. Gachet
Atelier REGLIS-LIDAR, Montpellier (France), December 7-8, 2006. Prospection sur les images numériques proche infrarouge G. Gachet
Colloque public de l’Office fĂ©dĂ©ral de topographie, ThĂšme: “Images infrarouges pour une application de l’environnement”, Berne, February 16, 2006. Les SIG au quotidien, des SystĂšmes d’IngĂ©rence GĂ©ographique ? C. Cunty ; M. Noucher
CafĂ©-GĂ©o, Lyon, Mai. Conservazione degli Anfibi e Paesaggi Frammentati: Dinamica del Paesaggio, Modellizzazione dellâHabitat e Metapopolazioni F. Zanini
Seminarion WSL, Bellinzona, 13 novembre 2006. Mieux comprendre la distribution des amphibiens dans un contexte de conservation: Ăcologie du paysage et dynamique de mĂ©tapopulations F. Zanini
Colloque herpĂ©tologique – KARCH, Berne, 2 dĂ©cembre 2006. BarriĂšres Ă©cologiques et distribution des espĂšces F. Zanini
Verkehrsinfrastruktur und BiodiversitÀt, WSL-Birmensdorf, 9 november 2006. 2005 Talks Exploratory spatial analysis applied to the investigation of large molecular data sets S. Joost ; E. Consortium
Xth spanish conference of biometrics, Oviedo (Spain), May 25-27, 2005. GIScience and Genetics: Exploiting the geographical dimension of molecular data S. Joost
2nd IPSo Congress on Proteomics and Genomics, Viterbo, Italy, May 29-June 1, 2005. Analysis of landscape quality evolution in the Swiss Rhone Valley based on historical maps W. Rosselli ; E. Paulmier ; F. Zanini
First International NFZ.forestnet, LULUC Summer School – Land use, land-use change and forest history Impacts on the environment, INRA Nancy, La Bresse, 4-10 September. Le cours d’eau: Ă©lĂ©ment paysager essentiel W. Rosselli ; E. Paulmier ; F. Zanini
XIIĂšmes JournĂ©es Scientifiques et Techniques du centre INRA de Nancy, Champenoux, 14-16 juin. Aires Prioritaires pour la Restauration du Paysage: approches basĂ©es sur la dynamique du paysage et la modĂ©lisation de lâhabitat dâespĂšces focales F. Zanini
SFP, Etat du Valais, Sion, 7 févier . The temporal development of ecological quality in a riverine landscape: A tool to define priority areas for rehabilitation F. Zanini ; C. Weber ; E. Zanini ; R. Schlaepfer
Our Shared Landscape, Ascona, Ticino, Switzerland, 3-7 May. Effects of landscape-scale determinants on breeding amphibian distribution: variations among species, regions and ponds connectivity F. Zanini
WSL Seminar, Ecological Genetic Lab, Birmensdorf, 30 novembre. 2004 Talks Urbanization and its effects on amphibians: geographic variation and variation among species F. Zanini ; J. Pellet ; R. B. Schmidt
18th SCB Annual Meeting, âConservation in an urbanizing worldâ, New York, USA, 30 July â 2 August. Evolution de la qualitĂ© Ă©cologique des paysages de la plaine du RhĂŽne sur la base d’une analyse spatiale de cartes historiques F. Zanini ; E. Paulmier ; C. Weber
Premier Colloque Mémoires du RhÎne, Milieux et sociétés, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Bramois, 10 décembre. Selecting suitable area for rehabilitation and biodiversity conservation in human dominated landscape: historical and focal species approach F. Zanini
Seminary at the Spatial Ecology Laboratory, University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia), Peut-on prĂ©dire lâĂ©volution de lâoccupation du sol? MĂ©thode et cas dâĂ©tude dans la plaine du RhĂŽne (Suisse, Valais) F. Zanini
Cours « Sols et milieux naturels », 2Ăšme annĂ©es-SIE-EPFL, EPFL, avril. 2001 Talks Essai de clarification au sein de la hiĂ©rarchie des mĂ©thodes d’analyse spatiale appliquĂ©es aux activitĂ©s commerciales S. Joost
Carto 2001, MontrĂ©al (Canada), May 30 – June3, 2001.