Science pictures Expansion microscopy of human centrioles (red: acetylated tubulin, cyan: alpha-tubulin). © EPFL – Gönczy LabC. elegans gonad from an animal expressing the centriolar marker RFP:SAS-7 and a the marker of oocyte maturation RME-2::GFP; lower row shows inset of centriolar region. Note that the focus of RFP:SAS-7 diminishes as the oocyte matures and is entirely absent from the -1 oocyte. © EPFL – Gönczy LabMitotic HeLa human tissue culture cells stained with antibodies against alpha-tubulin (viewed in green), the centriolar protein centrin (viewed in red), and counterstained with a DNA dye (viewed in blue). Middle: control condition; left: cell depleted by RNAi of a component essential for centriole assembly –note monopolar spindle; right: cell depleted by RNAi of a component essential for restricting centriole assembly –note multipolar spindle. See Balestra et al., 2013. © EPFL – Gönczy LabC. elegans embryo carrying a GFP-histone2B fusion protein imaged using dual time-lapse differential interference contrast (DIC) and overlaid fluorescence microscopy. The embryo is ~50 μm long. © EPFL – Gönczy LabMitosis in fixed one-cell C. elegans embryo stained with antibodies against tubulin (green), the centrosomal component ZYG-9 (red, yellow in the overlay with green), and counterstained with a DNA dye (blue). Note asymmetric spindle positioning. © EPFL – Gönczy LabSlightly tilted cross-sectional 3D map of the proximal region of the centriole in Trichonympha ssp., illustrating the striking 9-fold radial symmetry of the organelle. The cartwheel structure with stacks of SAS-6-bearing rings is visible in light blue, the more peripheral pinhead element in dark blue. The most peripheral microtubule triplets and the A-C linker connecting are shown in purple. The cross-sectional diameter is ~250 nm. See Guichard et al., 2013. © EPFL – Gönczy LabExpansion microscopy of human centrioles (red: acetylated tubulin, cyan: alpha-tubulin). © EPFL – Gönczy LabC. elegans gonad from an animal expressing the centriolar marker RFP:SAS-7 and a the marker of oocyte maturation RME-2::GFP; lower row shows inset of centriolar region. Note that the focus of RFP:SAS-7 diminishes as the oocyte matures and is entirely absent from the -1 oocyte. © EPFL – Gönczy LabMitotic HeLa human tissue culture cells stained with antibodies against alpha-tubulin (viewed in green), the centriolar protein centrin (viewed in red), and counterstained with a DNA dye (viewed in blue). Middle: control condition; left: cell depleted by RNAi of a component essential for centriole assembly –note monopolar spindle; right: cell depleted by RNAi of a component essential for restricting centriole assembly –note multipolar spindle. See Balestra et al., 2013. © EPFL – Gönczy LabC. elegans embryo carrying a GFP-histone2B fusion protein imaged using dual time-lapse differential interference contrast (DIC) and overlaid fluorescence microscopy. The embryo is ~50 μm long. © EPFL – Gönczy LabMitosis in fixed one-cell C. elegans embryo stained with antibodies against tubulin (green), the centrosomal component ZYG-9 (red, yellow in the overlay with green), and counterstained with a DNA dye (blue). Note asymmetric spindle positioning. © EPFL – Gönczy LabSlightly tilted cross-sectional 3D map of the proximal region of the centriole in Trichonympha ssp., illustrating the striking 9-fold radial symmetry of the organelle. The cartwheel structure with stacks of SAS-6-bearing rings is visible in light blue, the more peripheral pinhead element in dark blue. The most peripheral microtubule triplets and the A-C linker connecting are shown in purple. The cross-sectional diameter is ~250 nm. See Guichard et al., 2013. © EPFL – Gönczy Lab