Schedule Workshop 2018


Tuesday 18 September (location BC 420)
10-13 Foundations

Music-theoretical Foundations I: Harmony and Form in Chopin (Uri Rom)

— Short break —

Music-theoretical Foundations II: Baroque and Classical Schemata in Chopin’s Music (Markus Neuwirth)

13-14.30 Lunch
14.30-18 Hands-on Session I: The Mazurkas

Writing your own Chopin I: Unlocking Chopin’s Dance Forms (Uri Rom)

— Coffee break —

Writing your own Chopin I, continued (Uri Rom)


19 September (location BC 410)
10-13 Corpus research

The DCML Corpus Project: Tonal Harmony, Schemata, and Distant Listening (Neuwirth)

Formalizing, Modelling, and Retrieving Schemata (Christoph Finkensiep)

–––  Short break  –––

Beneath (or Beyond) the Surface: Discovering the Cadenza Composta with Skipgrams (David Sears)

13-14.30 Lunch
14.30-18 Corpus methods

Corpus Studies and “Close Listening” (Nathan Martin)

–– Coffee break –––

Panel Discussion: Martin, Sears, Diergarten, Rom, Neuwirth, Rohrmeier, and Finkensiep


20 September (location AAC 014)
10-13 Schemata in 18th- and 19th-century music

Cadence and Formal Function in Mozart’s Music: A Corpus-based Approach (Nathan Martin)

–––  Short break  –––

Learning Music in Warsaw: On Chopin’s Musical Education (Felix Diergarten)

Reapproaching the Familiar Images: Thoroughbass and Schemata in Bruckner’s Seventh Symphony (Felix Diergarten)

13-14.30 Lunch
14.30-18 Hands-on session II: The Nocturnes

Writing your own Chopin II: The Art of Melodic Embellishment (Uri Rom)

– Coffee break –

Writing your own Chopin II: Presentation of Results (Uri Rom)

20-21.30 Final concert (MED Hall)