Strand B: Computational subproject

The computational strand of the ERC project is devoted to the computational exploration of syntactic and hierarchical structures in music. We have two central goals: Addressing the lack of machine-readable corpora in music research, the first involves the development of tools to represent and annotate hierarchical analyses and the preparation of corpora of syntactic musical analyses. For the second goal, we develop computational models of the hierarchical structure of music, such as parsers of theoretical models, models of musical grammar inference or heuristic models that operate at the note level.

Main results


Code and Applications



  • The Jazz Harmony Treebank: A dataset of tree analyses of Jazz standards



  • A model of harmonic syntax applied to Jazz
  • An advanced model combining harmonic syntax and harmonic rhythm
  • A model of hierarchical pitch structure based on pitch scapes
  • The Tonal diffusion model: a probabilistic model to characterize pitch distributions of given pieces along the dimensions of the Tonnetz

