Open positions

Postdoctoral Position at EPFL Lausanne

Next deadline: November 15th, 2024. Applications will be considered and evaluated monthly also before the deadline.

A postdoctoral position (for two years) is available in a field related to Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations, and Geometric Measure Theory, with particular emphasis on fluid dynamics, transport equations with rough vector fields, free boundary problems, optimal transport, regularity theory of PDEs. The postdoc position will be bound to the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and lnnovation (SERI) grant TENSE – Irregular solutions of the Transport, Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. The candidates are expected to work in the group of Prof. Colombo and are expected to start between January and September 2025. Candidates are invited to apply by email to the addresses and, in cc, .
The email, with title “Postdoc Application AMCV”, should include the following documents as pdf attachments:
  1.  CV with (possibly) list of publications;
  2. research statement on current and planned research (max 6 pages).
In addition, candidates should provide in the email the list of at most 3 referees, willing to write a letter of recommendation; a few candidates will then be requested to ask their referees to send a recommendation letter directly to

PhD Position at EPFL Lausanne

Next deadline: December 15th, 2024. Applications will be reviewed and considered until the position is filled. See more details below about the whole application process for the PhD at EPFL.

A PhD position is available in the field of Partial Differential Equations, with a focus on fluid dynamics and kinetic theory. The successful candidate will work on the SNSF Ambizione project led by Dr. Michele Dolce, titled “Long-time Behavior of PDEs in Fluid Dynamics and Kinetic Theories”conducted at EPFL. Prof. Maria Colombo will serve as co-supervisor. The candidate will join the AMCV group, with an expected start date between March 2025 and September 2025.

The position offers the standard starting salary for EPFL doctoral assistants (see EPFL website for details). Additionally, project funds are available for travel and conference participation.

Project Description: The fluid dynamics part of project focuses on long-time dynamical properties of highly concentrated vortices in the 2D Navier-Stokes and Euler equations, as well as in inhomogeneous fluids. The kinetic theory part will explore the stability of homogeneous equilibria in Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann type equations. Other related topics may also be addressed.

Key tools for this research include: Energy estimates, Spectral analysis, Asymptotic expansions, Variational methods.

Relevant keywords include: inviscid damping, Landau damping, enhanced dissipation, Taylor dispersion.

Application Process: Candidates are invited to apply by sending an email to and, in cc,

Please use the subject line “PhD Application AMCV-Dolce”; otherwise, your email may be filtered out. The application should include the following documents as PDF attachments:

  1. CV (including a list of prizes and publications, if applicable)
  2. University transcript(s) of records (e.g. evaluations of exams)
  3. A brief description of current and future research interests, including your master’s thesis/projects topic, and potential research directions (max. 3 pages)

Additionally, please provide in the email the names and contact information of up to 3 referees who can provide letters of recommendation. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to have their referees send the letters directly to

Application Deadline: Applications will be reviewed starting December 15th 2024. Later applications will also be considered until the position is filled. To get hired for the PhD, applicants must have a master’s degree before the PhD start date and also apply to EDMA Mathematics (the EPFL PhD doctorate school). Deadlines for applications to the EDMA are 15th December 2024, 15th April 2025  and 15th September 2025. (If you plan to graduate after April 15th, you can apply for the 15th of April session).

More details about the EDMA applications can be found here

Bachelor/Master projects and thesis

EPFL Master and bachelor students are welcome to write directly to in case they are interested in a project or thesis in the group.