Monday 27 March 2023, 6.30pm
Archizoom EPFL
Pierre Charbonnier regretfully has to cancel his presence at this conference.
Djamel Klouche will give a lecture followed by a discussion with Gaétan Brunet and Chloé Valadié, co-curators of the exhibition Sympoïétique.
The philosopher Pierre Charbonnier, author of the book Culture écologique (2022), and the urban architect Djamel Klouche, co-founder of the l’AUC office, winner of the Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme 2021, open the first chapter of discussions related to the exhibition Sympoiesis. Arts of practice in the ecological city by the theme Culture écologique * culture du projet.
Ecological culture is playing an increasingly important role in the design of today’s city. It is the pivotal point from which new ways of looking, proceeding and operating can be formulated, producing a set of arts of doing in and for the ecological city. How can it colour, inform and renew the culture of the project?
The lecture will be preceded by a guided tour of the exhibition by the curators Gaétan Brunet and Chloé Valadié, from the office UR and in the presence of Djamel Klouche and Pierre Charbonnier. On registration
The discussion is also web cast live on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 646 5060 5823

Pierre Charbonnier is a philosopher and CNRS research fellow at Sciences Po (Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics). He is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and holds an agrégé and a doctorate in philosophy, as well as an Habilitation to Supervise Research. He works on the history, epistemology and forms of power associated with the government of nature in modern societies.
Djamel Klouche is a graduate architect from the École d’Architecture Paris la Seine and an urban planner with a DEA in urban territories from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales and a DESS in urban planning and development from Sciences-Po Paris. He is an associate professor at the Versailles School of Architecture. Djamel Klouche is co-founder of l’AUC, Ad Urbe Condita, an architecture and urban planning office that is interested in urban issues at all scales that they may involve. He is responsible for numerous urban restructuring projects, including the Grand Paris project and the renovation of the Part Dieu district in Lyon.