Christian Gilot

Christian Gilot


Monday 20 March 2023, 6pm
Foyer SG, EPFL

In presence and on zoom live meeting ID: 646 5060 5823

Introduction: Professor Dieter Dietz, Director of the Architecture Section at EPFL

Christian Gilot has taught architecture at EPFL since 1989. He was appointed visiting professor in 2004 and will give a farewell lecture at the time of his academic retirement.

He deeply enriched the education of several generations of students through the acuity of his sensitive analysis of the architectural discipline that he has transmitted with great generosity. Christian Gilot takes a subtly oblique look at the construction of the city, up to its most minute details, where often lies the devil.

St Mark’s Place, Venice, Italy, photo © Christian Gilot


Christian Gilot is architect in Brussels and professor at UC Louvain. He has been invited professor at EPFL for numerous years. Among his recent publications : La construction du sol, in Trans Vol.29 (Zurich), Histoires d’eau, in San Rocco Vol.14 (Milan), La passerelle de la Joux Verte (Brauen Wälchli Architectes), ed. Espazium, Combien de villes s’appelèrent Venise ?, in Matières Vol.16 (Lausanne) – winner of the writing competition organised by the Fondation Le Corbusier, 2017.