Euler Course 15 years celebration!

Join the community of the Euler Course for its 15 years celebration and donate today

Give children with a passion for maths the opportunity to follow accelerated courses to unlock their potential. 

The Euler course is a unique maths program for children aged 10-18 years old tailored to children with a thirst for learning.

Thank you for supporting the next 15 years of the course!


Donating to the Euler Course means

  • With 50 CHF, you support one student for a day.
  • With 250 CHF, you support one student for a month.
  • With 2,500 CHF, you support one student for a full year.
I donate (CHF)
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EPFL is a non-profit organization. Due to administrative procedures, the minimum donation amount to obtain a certificate of receipt is CHF 50.