Grant Writing Trainings

We offer recurring grant writing courses on “How to prepare successful grant proposals” to doctoral students, researchers and scientific collaborators.

  • *NEW* Self-learning e-course: This self-paced interactive e-course provides useful advice and practical steps on grant writing with narrative tools, through video lectures and interviews with EPFL grant coaches, science communication specialists and interviews with professors.
  • Roundtable on preparing collaborative proposals: Funders increasingly emphasize collaborative approaches to research projects. The process of writing such collaborative proposals might seem like a daunting and overwhelming task to researchers. Join us and talk with experts with a track record in securing collaborative proposal funding. 
  • EDOC course ENG-601: this 1-ECTS course is offered each autumn and gives more senior PhD students guidance on the fundamentals of proposal writing as well as hands-on composing their own proposal, including peer-review exercises.
  • Postdoc course: this more concise lecture aims to guide EPFL postdocs and staff scientists where to look for appropriate fellowship and research funding opportunities and give them the fundamentals on how to prepare a clearly written proposal. Complementary sessions are organized to write their own ready-to-submit proposal, and to give and receive feedback from peers.
  • On-demand courses: we offer customized grant writing courses for groups of EPFL researchers (for example as part of training programs, workshops or retreats). Please contact us directly with your request!


Research Office
Av. Auguste-Piccard 1
CH – 1015 Lausanne

[email protected]

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