To be read first:
- Wafers and photoresists exposed on the EVG 610 must be accepted by the technical comittee. CMi staff approval is required before using any non-standard products.
Cross-Contamination: Samples must be free of backside contamination. Mechanically unstable metal layers (delamination) are not allowed. Note: PDMS coated wafers are exposed on the MJB4 mask-aligner. Please ask the CMi staff for guidance.
Mask should be checked after each working session. Clean with acetone / IPA or with soft tissue to remove any solid or liquid residues.
- Please immediately inform the CMi staff in case of problems with the equipment.
- No booking restrictions.
- Reservation names must correspond to operators.
I. Introduction
The EVG 610 mask aligner is designed for research and development, and able to align and expose wafers 4 inch to 6 inch.
Wafers, coated with photosensitive resists (PR), are exposed through a glass/chrome mask using a short (few seconds) pulse of UV radiation from a LED lamp system with arrays of LEDs emitting at 365nm, 405nm, and 436nm. The illumination spectra and intensity is fully configurable from the three different wavelengths
The parallelism between the wafer and the mask is achieved with an automated Wedge Error Correction (WEC). Both top side and backside alignement options are available.
The resolution is limited by light diffraction through the mask opening, and can reach a minimum of about 800 nm with thin PR thickness (< 1 µm).
The EVG 610 cannot be used with small samples (chips) and does not have an option for using trnasparent thin-film masks.
II. Equipment description
The EVG 610 is a flexible tool with 3 possible configurations:
MA (mask-aligner) Three illumination setups are avilable for exposure:
OR |
EVG 510 Bond chuck preparation Check the packaging section of the website for details: https://www.epfl.ch/research/facilities/cmi/equipment/packaging-miscellaneous/evg-510/ This is the default configuration of the tool. Users are responsible to switch the tool back to MA configuration after using the mask-aligner (MA) configuration. |
OR |
Silicon direct bond (SDB) Check the packaging section of the website for details: https://www.epfl.ch/research/facilities/cmi/equipment/packaging-miscellaneous/evg-510/ |
Mask and wafer sizes:
- Available wafer chucks:
- one chuck for 4 inch wafers
- one chuck for 6 inch wafers
- Available mask holders:
- 7″x7″ mask holder, centered, to use with 6 inch wafers
- 5″x5″ mask holder, centered, to use with 4 inch wafers
Technical Caracteristics:
- LED lamp light source with three LED arrays @ 365nm, 405nm and 436nm. Default illumination setups: 20 mW/cm2 @ 365nm (i-line), 20 mW/cm2 @ 405nm (h-line), 20mW/cm2 broadband.
- Backside (BSA) and topside (TSA) alignment. Topside alignment using splitfield (two objectives).
- Exposure modes are flood-exposure, proximity, soft contact, hard contact, and vacuum contact.
- Objectives magnification (top side): 5x
- Objectives magnification (back side): ?x
- Manual motorized alignment using using joystick (alignment accuracy about 0.5µm)
- Dynamic range XY table movements : X = ± 10 mm Y = ± 10 mm Θ = ± 5°
- Manual substrate handling up to 150mm diameter.